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Bed Temperature Not Lowering After a Print  

New Member
Bed Temperature Not Lowering After a Print


I just have my Prusa i3 MK2S assembled and started to print samples from the SD card. Everything is great except one small issue after updating to the new firmware, which is FW 3.0.12. Here is my issue:

Whenever I started a print, occasionally the bed and nozzle temperature would not heat up at the same time. The bed temperature would rise first to 55C for PLA and then the nozzle temperature would rise to 210C for PLA. This sequential heating is not really bothering me. What really bothers me is that after that print where the sequential heating occurred, the bed temperature would NOT lower to room temperature, leaving the bed temperature at 55C until I came home. The nozzle temperature would return to room temperature though. Does anyone encounter this issue? Your valuable input is greatly appreciated :mrgreen:

Posted : 02/08/2017 4:45 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Bed Temperature Not Lowering After a Print

what slicer do you use ?
you might have deleted or changed start / end gcode

Posted : 02/08/2017 10:06 pm