Bed level correction; error in english handbook 1.05
Couldn't find a bug tracker so posting this here.
I was trying to use the bed level correction, but not getting results because the (English) handbook has a typo. It states:
For example if the first layer seems to be ever so slightly more squished on the right side . You can virtually lower the bed by -20 microns on the right side.
Instead it should say "20 microns" without the negative. Took me awhile realize this, if you're having trouble calibrating your first layer this might be why. I guess lowering by a negative number would technically result in a positive, but it still confusing to read.
Here is a correct description from admin Vojtech I found in the forums:
If the left side is squished too much , you shall lift the nozzle by entering a positive value on the left etc.
I also found it described correctly on the knowlege base: