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After V2Calibration prints are failing  

Active Member
After V2Calibration prints are failing

Not sure if I need to correct the Z Hieght (live) but I tried a few test prints and they are all a mess. This wasn't a problem before applying the V2Calibration Gcode and now its all off. I also get a whirring sound I didn't hear before. Any help/suggestions? I'm totally new, first day working this thing. Seems I can't get the initial layers to stick and there seems to be a bunch up of material.

Anyone able to help me troubleshoot this? Again, I'm totally new ;(

Postato : 11/09/2016 2:58 am
Eminent Member
Re: After V2Calibration prints are failing


As you suggest you probably have to correct the Z by using the live adjust fonction.
Did you use it while running the V2Calibration ? Is the "maze" printed by V2 calibration stick to the bed ?

Postato : 11/09/2016 1:34 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: After V2Calibration prints are failing

It doesn't stick to the bed, The height is most certtainly an issue and I've played with the live adjustment. I can't seem to get it right. It seems the nozzle is a bit too high above the bed, and whether I go positive or deep into the negative (I've had it at -.700 and more) it seems to not stick. I've even put down some glue stick, no success. This wasn't an issue with my initial test print out of the box. That was nearly flawless. I wonder if I need to do a reset and start over.

Another issue that I didn't see in my first test print is that even when it goes through the pre-print 9 points, it seems the nozzle is dribbling some PLA. I wonder if there's excess material coming out that is also affecting the layers. Some of the early process I've watched seems to be a bit of a mess when I look at the PLA, Not clean layers for the most part. Not sure if there's some over extruding going on, but once again, I'm 100% new to this. I've watched a bunch of videos, including a few by J Prusa, but this is my first go at 3d printing, so I'm very green.

I took a video with my camera on my latest try at a test print. Not sure how to add it here but if I can figure that out, I'll post it. Thanks.

Postato : 11/09/2016 4:22 pm
Moderatore Moderator
Re: After V2Calibration prints are failing

I would suggest resetting the printer and redoing all the calibration. Also check the height of the PINDA probe as if you can do very large minus adjustments in the Live Adjust and still not be close enough it may be that the probe is too high. The tip of the Probe should be about 1mm higher than the tip of the nozzle.

The PLA leaking from the nozzle is quite normal. Just remove all the excess after it's done the 9 point check.

Videos can't be uploaded to this forum, you will need to put it on another site and link to it...

Postato : 11/09/2016 4:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: After V2Calibration prints are failing

I'll try that out later today or tomorrow and post results. I'll post a vid link too. Thanks for the help. I need a bit of handholding and I really appreciate it

Postato : 11/09/2016 4:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: After V2Calibration prints are failing

Here's some links to vids I did last night.

The nozzle height was fine btw before the V2Calibration messed everything up. I don't think it was built wrong, although maybe that had an impact on where it sits now. I can't seem to get it at a point where its close enough to the bed so that is definitely the main problem (as far as I can see). One vid where it completely fails shows some of this. You can see a line layer completely off the bed. I'd even put down some glue from the stick that came with the built for this print, which is why there appears to be some material on the bed.

I'm betting I need a full reset and then need to re-add the firmware and go through the xyz calibration without adding that V2 file from the simcard, but REALLY hoping there isn't any other issue going on. I can't emphasize enough that the first print after I updated the firmware and before I ran that V2, the print was near perfect. I doubt its mechanical as I didn't mess with any of the parts at all.

Postato : 11/09/2016 5:13 pm