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1st layer no longer crispy  

Estimable Member
1st layer no longer crispy

So after about 10 failed prints due to detaching from the bed, I went through all my phases of acceptance, and think my first layer calibration is shot.

I tried glue stick, laying my prints down, etc... Until eventually I actually saw one of the items detach and when I picked it up and turned it over, I saw a really crappy first layer. I had that sucker tuned really well.

How could your first layer become untuned? It isn't like the z screws break in and need to be retightened. I think I am at my first 100 hours or so, so I need to go around and check all the screws and belts anyway. Than I will redo XYZ calibration.

Opublikowany : 16/01/2017 4:08 pm
Reputable Member
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

A commonly reported problem with respect to this issue has been the proximity of the pinda to the bed while the printer is heating up for a print. I had to readjust my z-offset pretty much all the time until i started to raise my nozzle way off the bed before starting a print. My pinda seems heat sensitive.

The perfect offset also changes with different filament types or even brands.

If you're printing with PLA, i'd strongly advise to stay away from any glue-stick, hairspray etc. Unless you're dealing with a particularly difficult print, PLA needs to stick to the heated bed without any crutches. It's better to fix the problem than to cover it with glue.

Opublikowany : 17/01/2017 1:11 am
Honorable Member
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

Use a decent slicer program, like Simplify3d its well worth the cost. I have little issues as others have mentioned here. I have an Ultimaker 2+ and a Genuine Prusa I3 MK2 home built kit. I get brilliant prints on both machines, using Simplify3d. Cura and Kisslicer and Slicer others are inferior to Simplify3d. I have tried them all. Simplify3d is the bees knees and covers all my needs, and I get great prints. Just my experience, I just use Simplify3d.

I am not sponsored or paid by Simplify3d I just use this great slicer.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 17/01/2017 5:53 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

I am not sponsored or paid by Simplify3d I just use this great slicer.


You really like this slicer


whoa Simplify3d is 150 bucks! that seems a bit high... how much better can it really be?

Opublikowany : 17/01/2017 10:36 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

A commonly reported problem with respect to this issue has been the proximity of the pinda to the bed while the printer is heating up for a print. I had to readjust my z-offset pretty much all the time until i started to raise my nozzle way off the bed before starting a print. My pinda seems heat sensitive.

The perfect offset also changes with different filament types or even brands.

If you're printing with PLA, i'd strongly advise to stay away from any glue-stick, hairspray etc. Unless you're dealing with a particularly difficult print, PLA needs to stick to the heated bed without any crutches. It's better to fix the problem than to cover it with glue.

Yeah, the glue stick certainly made it worse. I re did my XYZ calibration but I don't know how to read the firmware to see if any of the numbers changed. It would be interesting to see if they did, like the bed settled down, dropped a hundred microns or so.

Opublikowany : 17/01/2017 10:39 pm
Honorable Member
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

@jordan.c You paid a lot of money for the hardware ie the Prusa I3 Mk2. What provides prints for it, a slicer. All I can say is Simplify3d is a great slicer. Even the Ruiz brothers over on Adafruit agree. You pay your money you make your choice.

I don't care if you do or don't buy Simplify3d. I just get great prints with Simplify3d . That's all I want, what do others want? A free path to religious struggle and martyrdom. That way lies a soul in a cave with the difficulties involved.

Just my opinion.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 19/01/2017 2:47 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

Damn Nigel, you got deep.

I hear you. I am planning on buying Simplify3d, sometimes I don't like the way sli3r slices.. esp re bridges. It takes the longer path across two points rather than finding the shortest route. This sometimes results in saggy bridges, which totally could have been avoided.

Cura... I don't trust just yet. Those settings don't line up with the prusa edition of slic3r, makes me skeptical.

Opublikowany : 19/01/2017 3:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: 1st layer no longer crispy

About Simplify3D: IIRC there's a two-week period in which you can reconsider and request a refund. You can start with the default settings for the i3mk and tweak them until you find the sweet spot for your specific printer & filament. Once you've hit that sweet spot, it's definitely a worthwhile improvement over slic3r.

Opublikowany : 19/01/2017 3:31 pm