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What's going wrong with this print?  

Eminent Member
What's going wrong with this print?

I'm printing a new RAMBo case (this one ). I'm printing the bottom plate, which has a bunch of ventilation holes in it. Some of them came out okay, but some look like they're torn. Photo is below. This is my first print with this roll (and with ABS altogether). I glued the board, checked the calibration & sprayed ABS juice (and let it all dry) just before this print. Any ideas why that might be happening?

[EDIT] Worth noting I sliced this with Slic3r using the Prusa ABS setting, heated to 255° (extruder)/100° (heatbed).

Napsal : 29/02/2016 4:45 am
Trusted Member
Re: What's going wrong with this print?

I recently printed the same case in PLA and had some real problems with the bottom panel as well. The issues I had were a little different than what you are seeing. It looks to be an issue of how Slic3r deals with this model. The issue I had was massive over extrusion on the first layer or two. The behavior would change and different regions on those layers would over extrude depending on the orientation of the part on the print bed, and you could actually see the problems with the extrusion width in the preview view in Slic3r.

I finally had to develop and tune a profile in Cura and use that to slice the bottom panel. That allowed for a successful print.

If the other pieces of the case come out fine, you may want to try slicing the bottom with a different program.

Napsal : 29/02/2016 7:01 am