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What is the preferred Printing Workflow  

Honorable Member
What is the preferred Printing Workflow

I am a Printrbot user of many years and my current workflow to print is

1. Draw or download STL
2. Load into Cura (the old version)
3. Slice it to my requirements
4. Print via USB.

This works flawlessly for me, and is the model I hoped to follow, but after looking at the Prusa software, its clear I am going to have to change.

Ultimately I will go to Octoprint, but after reading about the ongoing issues, I am going to wait until its stable.... So is this the only option I have:

1. Draw/Download STL
2a. Load into PrusaControl (If I want basic options)
2b. Load into Slic3r (If I want more options)
3. Save to SD card
4. Insert into Printer and print from the front panel?

Are there any other options?

1. Does the SD card mount on the PC via USB so I can just drag/drop from the PC to the SD
2. Is there an option to print via USB (I know this is universally hated, but it works for me and if the option was there I would like to try)

Does anyone have any other tips on this part of the process?

I could of course stay with CURA, but I am mindful of its limitations and want to use this opportunity to move onto something more capable.


Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2018 2:12 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: What is the preferred Printing Workflow

hi jweaver,
with the i3 mk series you can print the *.gcode diretcly with pronterface thru usb. you can even upload gcode files via pronterface to the sd card at the prusa.

at all, I don't see any reason why you need to change your printing workflow.
if you proceed using cura, you should be able to print directly out of that slicer.
if you want to switch to slic3r, you can do so. just enable the usb connection inside the preferences menu (don't forget to set the properties at the printer tab) and you get a new "controller" tab and can print from there.
with simplify3d I can print directly (thru usb) as well.

but of course: storing the *.gcode at the sd-card and printing from the printers lcd console is the safer way (even safer than using octoprint), just to prevent an aborted print when your pc gets a blue screen or performance problems... or if somebody trips over the usb cable 😈 .

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2018 3:54 pm
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: What is the preferred Printing Workflow

Ahha.. So you can enable USB out of Slic3r.? I assume not out of PrusaControl though..

I am a little confused by Pronterface as in CURA its part of the print engine, so I dont' have to launch it as an app..

I like the idea of being able to "export" the file to the SD card.. But am still a little unclear of how to do it.. I suspect it will become more obvious once I get my MK3 built and connected.. I have been ill over Christmas so havn't been in the mood and after reading about the current crop of issues (Quality, Scratched Rods, PSU failure, etc), I am sitting back to let the dust settle.

I still hope to be able to print directly via USB.. In the 3 years I have owned my printrbot, I have literally printed 1000s of jobs and not had a single failure other than doing stupid things.. For me, the benifits FAR out weigh the negatives... But I do like the idea of being able to transfer a GCODE file to the SD and then print from the MK3 menus, so would like to know more about that.

Of cource, Octopi is going to be the solution to everything I assume.. When thats stable, I assume I can slice, and then transfer the file to the Pi, and print via Octopi using a web page to control it.


Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2018 4:52 pm