What is causing this banding around layers with detail?
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What is causing this banding around layers with detail?  

Eminent Member
What is causing this banding around layers with detail?

I posted this in the MK2 forums as well, but I'm not sure if this is a mechanical issue with the printer or a software issue with Slic3r.

I'm printing an NES Raspberry Pi case for my roommate, and I'm noticing some weird but consistent banding on the lid, which has text on the face that's printed upright. Every layer that has small protrusions for the detail seems to be being printed just slightly too thick. The problem doesn't exist before or after those layers and everything else looks smooth.

I'm using white hatchbox PLA; up to this point I've been printing with eSun PLA+ which has rather different settings, so I'm still figuring out what works with this PLA. I'm using Slic3r PE; the relevant settings are:

Layer height: 0.1mm
Nozzle temp: 200C (1st layer), 195C (everything else)
Bed temp: 55C
Extrusion multiplier: 0.98
Perimeters: 60mm/s (tried with 40mm/s but got the same thing)
Small perimeters: 15-20mm/s (no difference)
External perimeters: 50%

If you need any more information, please let me know. Thanks!

Postato : 25/10/2017 5:36 pm
Noble Member
Re: What is causing this banding around layers with detail?

Try printing a bit higher, say 210/205 (first/rest).

Do a PID temperature calibration on the extruder.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Postato : 28/10/2017 7:31 pm