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What am i doing wrong ?  

Active Member
What am i doing wrong ?

Using already mounted Mk2, trying to print a fairly simple badge . I managed to print properly bigger size stuff with embossed letters but now this seems to be impossible despite calibration and cleaning the bed.

See the result to be compared with the Prusa Control view... the letters are badly formed. Is it because i need to use a higher resolution (i'm now on Normal) ? I'm using PLA .
This printing learning curve is quite steep...

thanks !
the print

the settings and prusa control view

Publié : 22/11/2017 2:58 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

Hi Franc,
It looks like you are trying to print lines that are narrower than the nozzle. could you make the model larger, or use a typeface that has thicker lines?

or perhaps use a smaller nozzle which will effectively allow higher XY axis resolution

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 22/11/2017 3:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

Oh so you think my letters are too small ? i can enlarge the print and go to a 0.1 resolution maybe instead of 0.2 ... will try and report.
thx !

Publié : 22/11/2017 3:41 pm
Reputable Member
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

Try to lower your extrusion width a bit This might work.
Not sure what it will do to your overall print though, but might be worth the try.

I think what you are refereeing to with resolutions the layer height, that wont help.


Publié : 22/11/2017 3:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

It is obvious that the details you are trying to print are smaller then what the printer can resolve,

I am not familiar with Prusa Control, but in Slic3r Prusa edition you can preview every single layer after slicing the model.
Check if Prusa control offers this as well, and after slicing zoom in and check the extrusion lines of the layers that print the letters.
Increase the size of the model until you can see the text clearly in the preview.

Good luck!

Publié : 22/11/2017 5:21 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

Hi Franc. Smaller layer height may help a little. But I was suggesting a thinner nozzle. This wpuld allow you to capture finer detail in the X and Y directions.

Which would help you resolve the letters.
Type faces with regular line thickness will resolve better than type faces with varied thick and thin lines. The thin lines tend to be lost in the slicer.

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 22/11/2017 5:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What am i doing wrong ?

Thanks very much, it worked !
I confirm that bigger is better (sounds like a usual debate :mrgreen: )...
Didnt change the layer height but increased in 150% scale.

I have been through so many hurdles and discoveries despite ordering the ready made MK2s, i think i'll write a post - printing for noobs...

I had no idea that we can change the nozzle. I believe it's not a standard operation ? and i m quite scared to touch a running system ... at last i have reliable prints that don't lift during printing and dont warp (much).

Now up to solving the next issue : print with Colorfabb XT instead of PLA !

Publié : 23/11/2017 9:37 am
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