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Weird results with supports  

James Feger
Active Member
Weird results with supports

Hi all, I am not sure if I should pop this in the MK2 forum, or here. Ill start here and see what I come up with. I am new to 3D Printing, and I believe I have my printer dialed in decently. Calibration passed immediately, and my Z offset produces a nice smooth-ish finish. I used Jeff's square for calibration of the Z offset.

I have now printed two different prints, one that had supports built into the STL, and one where I used slic3r to generate the supports. In both cases, the overall finish of the print was good, except where the supports met the print. Im not sure what is happening here, and am looking for advice. In both cases, I used the default settings for slic3r-prusa. The pictures represent a print where I printed the horse upside down, and the supports were attached to the horses back (where the print looks stringy)


Publié : 11/02/2018 10:19 pm
Noble Member
Re: Weird results with supports

This is a known issue that is being actively worked by the Prusa Slic3r team. Here are some work arounds till they crack it.

Supports are the weakness of Slic3r, but they seem to be actively working on it. Other slicer's seem to be ahead in this area.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Publié : 12/02/2018 4:28 am
James Feger
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Weird results with supports

Ah, ok. Thank you for the quick response. I am still learning the nuances of slic3r and the associated impact of the end result. I am on day ~5 of having my printer built, so I wasn't sure where to start here. At first, I thought perhaps my temperature was too low, but I kept thinking back to my first layer being pretty darn good.

Anyway, thank you for the feedback, I will keep an eye on those threads and also tinker with other slicers in the meantime.

Publié : 12/02/2018 7:37 am
Estimable Member
Re: Weird results with supports

For a quick fix set the z contact distance to 0.07mm. Any lower and you will get very strange things happen.

I have experimented with the options as discussed in the Github link that Aaron posted above and had some very spectacular results. I have created profiles in PE Slic3r specifically for printing objects that need supports.

Publié : 12/02/2018 1:21 pm
James Feger
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Weird results with supports

Thank you! Ill give it a try. Do your profiles call anything else out? So far I have stuck to 100% defaults for the MK2 and Prusa PLA.

Publié : 12/02/2018 6:22 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Weird results with supports

I have found that however it is set up the supports behave very differently depending on material type and layer height.

I'm currently working on a 0.12mm PETG profile that I need very good supports on as this is for customer

Publié : 12/02/2018 8:09 pm
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