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Viewing dimensions in slic3r?  

Eminent Member
Viewing dimensions in slic3r?

Is this basic feature missing or am i missing something? Cant even find this in the online manual...
I just want to confirm that it has the correct dimensions from 123d before sending it out to the printer...

Publié : 26/10/2016 1:33 am
Active Member
Re: Viewing dimensions in slic3r?

Slic3r gives a part build dimension in the info screen. This will change depending on how the part is orientated. Its a slicing tool rather than a design tool so I doubt there is a need to have measuring tools, as you are only checking that the part fits within the print area. As long as you have correct dimensions in 123d, then export at 100% ( if thats an option) then it should be correct in slic3r.

You could always test with a smaller part, say design an oblong 100mm in length, export, slice then print to confirm that everything is ok, before commiting more challenging prints.

Publié : 26/10/2016 1:41 pm
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