Top infill rough and wavey
I was really disappointed when I saw the last layer of this print, but I'm not sure what could have caused this.
The top solid infill is very rough in a wave like pattern. Only the middle part is very smooth (as the whole layer should be).
Could this be caused by the 0.4 mm extrusion width of the top layer (against 0.45 mm for the rest of the solid infill)?
I would appreciate any tips!
Re: Top infill rough and wavey
0.4 is correct for the top layer.
That pattern normally indicates an overly squished layer. Did the print start lifting at all towards the end of the print.
common to see this pattern on first layers that are over squished. Unusual on a top layer though.
Could also be over extrusion.
Re: Top infill rough and wavey
The print was perfect flat on the print bed. Extrusion multiplier is at 0.95 (mk3 2.1.3 drivers).
Over extrusion is not visible on the sides, I get it a lot for top layers, even with the extrusion test object.
Only the top is ugly, the bottom and sides are almost perfect.
Re: Top infill rough and wavey
Looks to be over-extrusion after all.
I am printing the extrusion test with lower extrusion multiplier (down to 0.91 for this PLA) and the result gets better.