Tips on printing this part
Hi All
I've bought and setup my mk2s about a week ago and now I would like to print this large part with ABS:
I've had 2 try prints with the default settings 0.15 optimized, part upright, looking like this:
Here, the problem was that the bottom layer of the print was sticking to the raft on the bottom.
Also I had the supports fill out the whole part - cant get this to show again now.
My question is how can I get the part to not stick to the raft? I used the default raft settings in slic3r:
Also, do you thing I need more supports on this part?
Thanks for your insights
Re: Tips on printing this part
I would print it with the bottom (largest surface) flat. You will still need support, but only for the 'flanges', and it should be easy to remove / clean up. You could use meshmixer to draw cleaner support columns.
And I would try printing it without a raft. Just make sure your bed is clean (use alcohol), hot (100+) and that you ideally enclose the printer somehow/somewhat. Ghetto solution: put a large cardboard box over it (and dont peek, use a camera if you want to follow the print).
Lastly, any particular reason you want to print this in ABS? Its a big print, and with Pet or PLA you will have no warping issues. I also found that with ABS, support material can be difficult to remove. With my PLA prints it almost falls off by itself.
Re: Tips on printing this part
I agree with Bob, but if you are scared of having some warping issues I would just add a brim of around 5-10mm and only 1 layer high.
With using a brim, which is easy to remove with a knife, I have never had an issue with printing ABS anymore (without an enclosure)
But indeed don't forget to clean your bed every time with an IPA.