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Stringing in Slic3r PE vs Cura 3.2.1  

New Member
Stringing in Slic3r PE vs Cura 3.2.1

So I assembled my new Prusa i3 MK3 a few days ago and have already done some printing. However, one thing I cannot seem to get right is the retraction settings.

No matter what retracion length/speed and travel speed I set there is always significant stringing. My other 3D printer (self-made machine) doesn't ooze at all with the same filament and an e3d v6/Titan Extruder combination.

So after some experimenting I found out that the slicer makes all the difference.

A print sliced with Slic3r Prusa Edition with retraction speed 40mm/s, retraction length 1.0mm, travel speed 250 mm/s shows significant stinging:

The same print, sliced with Cura, using the same settings, similar speeds, same layer height, same retraction settings, etc. yields much less stringing:

With Cura, just one tower has some stringing and other than that only the top layers are connected with small stringing lines.

I know that the filament is not the (PLA) but the question is what can I improve in slic3r to get the stringing performance of Cura?

I did a cross check with my old printer - the same model sliced with spic3r and cura and got the same results. So what can I improve in slic3r?

Thank you!

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2018 10:26 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Stringing in Slic3r PE vs Cura 3.2.1

Acceleration is the key, to fight with stringing best way is to set maximum acceleration to quickly break filament, by the way Slic3r is really bad slicer 🙁

Veröffentlicht : 28/03/2018 2:41 am