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strange printing issue x-axis  

Member Moderator
strange printing issue x-axis

Objects will be wider if the z-axis rises 😮

on the right side the printing is not orthogonal, is oblique to the bed !

How can I fix this ?


Posted : 12/02/2017 8:47 pm
Member Moderator
Topic starter answered:
Re: strange printing issue x-axis

Issue found ! 😯

It looks like the belt has melted during the print. I do an V2calibration and the filament isn' located on the grid of the bed. After some tries of doing an xyz-calibration, all failed, I do a closer look at the x-axis again and I found an stretched Beld around the stepper of the x-axis. It looks like the pulley is getting hot from the stepper. But i cant beleave this.

Has anyone some similar problem ? I found this topic, it looks similar to mine :

Workaround :
I mount the belt vice versa. It works now fine, but I think this problem will appear again. Curios !

Will make an photo later the day. -> here it is :


Posted : 13/02/2017 10:15 am