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Some small issues when printing with PETG  

Michael Williams
Eminent Member
Some small issues when printing with PETG

Hi, I wasn't sure if I should start a whole new thread for this or try to include it in the other one on PET. I decided it'd be better to not derail that thread.

Today I received two spools of PETG to experiment with. A spool of esun white PETG and one of Hatchbox yellow. I printed some small things with the yellow first, using the settings built into slic3r for PET and it worked very well. Then I printed a larger item with the white, and there were some issues. Primarily, there was some yellowing of the PETG by the time the 2 hour print finished, which I figured was caused by the 90C bed temp being a bit too high. I experimented with some other temps (no heat, 50C, 60C, and 70C). At 70C, I no longer experienced lifting of the part from the bed and I didn't get the yellowing. The bigger issue, and it isn't a huge one, is there is some strands appearing on the part that I can't quite figure out the cause of. They also appeared kind of burned in one spot in the picture, but only in that spot. You can see it in the picture below. It was printed in the esun white PETG, and I will try the same part tomorrow with the same settings in the Hatchbox yellow to see if the same thing occurs or if it is related to the filament. It occurred in several places on the print, but it was easy to clean off. I had to use an xacto knife to remove it, but they came of very easily and the part cleaned up quite nicely otherwise. I was wondering if someone has experienced this before and can point me in the right direction rather than me continuing to stab around blindly in the dark.

Publié : 24/05/2016 4:35 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Some small issues when printing with PETG

PETG is notorious for being stringy. It will collect on the nozzle and drop off in the print. As you noticed it is quite easy to remove. I haven't found a way to keep this from happening.

Publié : 24/05/2016 5:37 am
Michael Williams
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Some small issues when printing with PETG

Ah, very good, thanks for letting me know that. I never ran across that tidbit when researching PETG, but admittedly I didn't search for the stringiness issue.

Publié : 24/05/2016 3:08 pm
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