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Slicer & firmware install  

Active Member
Slicer & firmware install

Brand new user getting a head start before printer is delivered next week. Downloaded the Prusa 1.9 Mac version of Slic3r & unzipped it. Ran the app, imported the .ini file & tweaked some parameters as recommended on youtube. Issue: Slic3r doesn't show as an installed app in the Applications folder and it's not listed on Launchpad. The only way I can run it is from the folder where I unzipped it. How can I make it look like an installed app?

Publié : 07/10/2017 4:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slicer & firmware install

The folks at Apple support explained how to 'install' the app. works great.

Publié : 07/10/2017 8:23 pm
Brian Reilly
New Member
Re: Slicer & firmware install

Jack - I'm having trouble with the firmware update using my Mac. Could you let me know how you installed Slic3r and updated the firmware? Thanks.

Publié : 11/12/2017 5:46 am
Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
Re: Slicer & firmware install

Hi Brian,
to install firmware and Slic3r PE on your Mac, please follow these manuals:

Installing Slic3r Prusa Edition

Upgrading firmware v1.2

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Publié : 11/12/2017 3:41 pm
Brian Reilly
New Member
Re: Slicer & firmware install

Thank you. I figured out the Slic3r install, and I have followed the manual for the firmware several times at this point. When I upgrade the firmware, I get the message indicated a successful upgrade. When I try to use the printer, the display flashes a sequence of partial messages ... something like "Original Prusa 3D Printer". Sometimes only part of the word "original' shows and nothing else, or sometimes the entire message shows. I can also hear a clicking coming from either the RAMBo or the x-axis motor. The dial does not allow me to access the main menu ... it simply let's me access the option to reset to factory settings.

Publié : 12/12/2017 12:40 am
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