Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)
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Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)  

New Member
Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)

I have a problem (or maybe question or even humble request) - i realiy like slic3r and it is my slicer of choice for a while now but after small steps into multimaterial printing i have small issue with it.. I've installed e3d cyclops on my diy corexy and it works fine - marlin configured, extruders has plenty of strength and generally everything is fine unitl i try some gcode. I don't know if it my fault but i think Slic3r has been hardcoded to use MM kit method for multimaterial printing. In my case i cannot find option to disable priming lines at start but this is not my biggest problem. My problem is that even though tool change script in custom gcodes is empty, printer still retracts around 6-8cm of filament, which clogs my hotend in very unpleasant way 🙁

Is there any tick to check? any setting to change? maybe new profile for a printer? cura doesn't do it so I don't think it is related to firmware. Is my only option to make some script to remove all retractions on tool change in gcode postproccessing? or maybe use normal slic3r and add script with priming tower?
By the way - why after disabling "single nozzle" i cannot place priming tower? Even without shared nozzle it is good idea sometimes to wase a little bit filament for priming on each layer.

Thanks in advance for any help 🙂

Publié : 28/11/2017 10:05 am
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)

Are you using the MMU version of Slic3r Prusa, the one which has the wipe tower on the plate? As far as I know this one is indeed hardwired to use a post processor which adds the MMU specific GCode to your file.

This shouldn't happen with the Prusa3D Slic3r MK2 (not MMU) version though. You'll have to create a new printer via the wizard or change an existing configuration to add more Extruders and add your gcode to the end section. The resulting gcode should not be run through the postprocessor. Alternatively you can tweak the postprocessor itself but I have no experience with that (it's installed with the Slic3r MMU).

happy slicing 😉

Publié : 28/11/2017 2:58 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)

I'm quite sure that i tired both MMU and non-mmu version (don't have the access to laptop with my slicers at the moment) with the same result but while writing this post, when i mentioned that it is not related to firmware i recalled that marlin has feature called "fw retract" and slic3r support it. I will try that later today. i assume that this will prohibit gcode from retracting more filament than set in firmware?

Publié : 28/11/2017 3:41 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Membre Admin
Re: Slic3r Prusa edition for mixing extruder usage (problem)

The wipe tower in Slic3r is currently activated for the "single extruder multi material" mode only, and the whole wipe tower G-code is hard coded for our Multi Material setup. This happened by integrating an external wipe tower generator G-code post processor into Slic3r. You will find more info in some of the issues marked with a "multi material" tag. Someone even wrote his post-processor to adapt the Slic3r MM G-code for his diamond extruder setup.

We are currently growing our Slic3r team, we have a new hire Lukas looking into the wipe tower with the goal of re-parametrizing the wipe tower generator, so hopefully we will get something generic from it.

Publié : 29/11/2017 8:25 pm
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