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Replacement Printing Parts  

Active Member
Replacement Printing Parts

What should the infill and layer height be for printing replacement parts? I want to print a backup extruder assembly, specifically the piece with the pinda holder in case I break it.

Posted : 01/02/2017 6:33 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Replacement Printing Parts

Layer 0.2, 3 perimeters, 3 bottoms, 4 tops, 25% infill, no supports, no brim, no raft.
Basically take default 0.2 NORMAL profile and set perimeters to 3 and infill to 25%.

Posted : 01/02/2017 9:14 am
Honorable Member
Re: Replacement Printing Parts

What material are you planning to use?

Posted : 01/02/2017 1:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Replacement Printing Parts

Planning to use ABS. Looking at the orientation it should print laying on it's back correct?

Posted : 01/02/2017 3:11 pm