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[Zamknięte] Problems with the Infill  

Active Member
Problems with the Infill

Dear all,

I had my prusa printer for about half a year now and I'm very happy with it. I printed both with PLA and PETG and it worked like charm. Nevertheless in the late times I noticed that the infill it is not printed right. This happens both with the "classic" square infill and with the fancy "gyroid" one. The following picture shows a sample of the problem:

I already checked if reducing the speed for the Infill from 200 to 100 mm/s made any difference but it din't, I also checked all the screws of the printer and although I found some where a little bit loose, after tightening them up the prints show the same issue.

Does anyone have any suggestion of what is the likely source of the problem? The extruder maybe? (to be honest I've been to lazy to disassemble the extruder, in part because the prints still look great except for this little problem, usually the perimeters look perfect)

I look forward for any suggestion!



PS: I must add that the problem is more evident when printing with PETG

This topic was modified 5 years temu by Victor
Opublikowany : 18/07/2019 5:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problems with the Infill

That's  a common issue with rectilinear infill. That pattern applies directional infill every other layer, so there isn't enough material extruded to actually fill the space between two layers. The extrusion skips and on longer tracks will break into small lumps.   With rectilinear, I change infill width to 0.55 or 0.65 to provide sufficient material for the pattern.  

I have not seen the same issue with Gyroid, it infills every layer.

Opublikowany : 18/07/2019 9:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems with the Infill

Thank you tim-m30!

I'll try the settings you suggest next time. With the Gyroid I've seen the problem in one part, but the width of the infill was quite small so maybe it is just that... here is a picture (after I removed with the finger nails all weak infill of a failed part):

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 1:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problems with the Infill

You also might be fighting max volume rates for your filament.  Some filaments don't flow well when printed and will max out at much less than the default 15 mm3/s rate.  Some suggest 11 mm3/s as a max for the V6 on a Prusa Mk3.  A few even suggest 8 mm3/s.   In the end, it is part and filament dependent. 

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 8:45 pm