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Print failed on exact same spot?  

Active Member
Print failed on exact same spot?


No idea why but the print failed on the exact same spot?
Printing 100micron, 0.25 nozzle, with S3D as the slicer.
Also using raspberri pi 3 with octoprint to send instructions (I have a feeling this is the cause)

** not sure why image not showing up ?

The setting was actually changed and resliced, but still seems to fail on the same layer height. The first print failed due to the PLA that snapped, I think? When I got to the printer it was printing nothing due to the filament not being in the exrtruder. The second time when I got to the printer plastic gathered at nozzle, seeming that it did not stick and lost a few layers, I assume?

Reason why I think it is the raspberr or octoprint , could it be that at so many liines it just bugs/freaks out. It could be that my SD card in the raspberry is also not good enough.

Want to test this again printing just from SD on the prusa, but being a 9.5 hour print its a lengthy test 😕

Thanks for any help

Publié : 24/02/2017 7:21 am
Estimable Member
Re: Print failed on exact same spot?

Did-you check the uploaded gcode file? What gives Gcode Viewer on the last slice?
Does the fan stop at the end and the temperatures (noozle + bed) goes down?
I say that because once, my uploaded part in Octoprint was not complete. And the displayed part height was smaller. The gcode instruction to stop heating and stop fan wasn't sent.
I had to upload again.

Publié : 24/02/2017 4:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print failed on exact same spot?


I will check this but could it do the exact same thing when I uploaded new gcode (but same model)?

I have to stress that the print failed on the same spot wich is roughly 8 hours into the print.

But will definitely have a look thanks.

Publié : 24/02/2017 10:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print failed on exact same spot?

Once uploaded, the file size should be different. And control in "GCode Viewer" tab of Octoprint that the last layer match what should be.
I thought a good practice to control that after each upload since my failure but in fact, I don't.

Publié : 26/02/2017 1:53 am
New Member
Re: Print failed on exact same spot?

had this exact issue on a rostock. look at the g-code mine was missing exactly one layer around the 8 hour mark. never got it to slice right so i gave up on it. netfab might help.

Publié : 26/02/2017 5:04 am
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