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Poor Domes/hemispheres  

Active Member
Poor Domes/hemispheres

I don't know why but the quality of my prints, when I print domes or hemisphere is terrible. It looks like it gives up or take short cuts. When I viewed the layers in the slicer they look correct (Slic3r) but the actual print looks like it only did a single layer for the top of the dome with holes and gaps.

This dome isn't hollow, it has an infill. And the slicer looks like it has adequate internal support.

Posted : 25/07/2017 2:06 am
Rob Nance
Eminent Member
Re: Poor Domes/hemispheres

I'm pretty new to this, but I've learned a lot, so I'll give this a shot,

First, did you switch filament, or has this been a problem for a while? If you switched filament, perhaps the diameter is off causing your extruder to send more or less filament.

Your z height might be off. I actually had what I thought were perfect prints, but my first layer was too squished and it was causing these little zits, that would definitely show on domes, because each layer was mashing too much into the previous. I thought I needed to calibrate my extruder steps, but it was my first layer.

E steps. I kind of talked about it twice now, but if your filament is very different, like consistently .1mm thicker could even do it, you could be running into under or over extrusion caused by this.

Prusa should really consider adding the 75mm square calibration print to the SD, that post really helped me dial in my z height. At my settings it looked good, but on closer inspect there were little bumps near the edges, just like he shows in his pics of too close. I can't recommend the "live z adjust my way" post.

Posted : 30/07/2017 4:56 pm
Noble Member
Re: Poor Domes/hemispheres

TexRob has a number of good pointers.

It sometimes helps to isolate if a problem is in the printer, or in the slicer settings. Does it do this with the included gcode files? Or just ones you sliced?

It could also be the tension setting on the extruder. I have mine set 14mm from the body without filament in it. Both too tight or too loose will cause problems similar to what you describe.

For a particularly complex model, it can help to slow the print speed down a bit.

Post a photo or two, and a bit more information on your slicer settings and we might be able to isolate it better.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 30/07/2017 6:20 pm