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NASA wrench, benchy micro warping with ABS  

New Member
NASA wrench, benchy micro warping with ABS

Hi guys,

Sorry if this is duplicate, but what I find about warping and ABS do not apply in my case, same with some proposed fix to print the NASA wrench (uplink.stl)

My problem with ABS and those models is that they have small "tips" that grow over layers, in my case those tips are curling up to the point where they start touching the PINDA probe, the probe kind of flatten those tips for a while until they point up too much and the part get loose or if the printing finish it have a very bad look

In the case of the uplink.stl model (NASA wrench), as it was pointed in other posts, it have a small feature that start as a little line on layer 1 disconnected to the main body (is the wrench lock), at about layer 20 that part growths to a size where it connect with the main wrench body. People of the forum state that they problem was that it was such a small feature that it not stick to the bed...I start with the same impression and after try glue-stick and ABS juice and taking a better closer look as also pausing the printing, I realize that the feature is perfectly stick to the bed, but each time that the nozzle make that line a little bigger each layer the very tips of the line start curving up...after some layers (between 4 and 10) is pointing up that much that start touching the PINDA probe, for a while the probe is able to flatten the error but the tip keep slowly increasing up and harder, so after a while the probe just crash with it and the small part gets detached from the bed..

I try everything that I can think of, better glue so no matter the crash will still stick at least until it gets connected to the main body (hard since instead of increase length is growing up..), then I though that it was too much or too little temperature, so I play reducing and increasing nozzle and bed temperatures...same results, then perhaps it was the speed that it was like "pulling up" that thread when it was too soft melted, nop same thing...I change the orientation ..same thing also I play with the "live Z" adjustment, for a moment it looks like that was going to solve it, but it just delay the issue, layers later the tip was growing up again....

Then I decide to make one step back and test the 3DBenchy thinking that should go ok, first time testing that model with ABS and I experience kind of the same issue...Benchy tip is kind of a small feature that end up on a tip that grow a little each layer..after layer 3 that tip start pointing up until the point where interfere with the probe..but again not bed adhesion or warping at the bed level....With benchy I test to cold down the part while printing as with PLA using the fan..At first it looks like it was going to fix the problem but cooling the part make it loose from the bed some layers later..

Let me repeat that is not an adhesion issue to the bed with ABS, I don't have any warping with any part using 100C on a clean bed, the small "hanging" features that grow in each layer as small tips the ones that start curving up, but the surface that is first printed to the bed is perfectly stick to it...Other models that start let say more "squarish" and then keep straight up don't have any issue, same for long curves, circles that grow in each problem...but if the feature is a small tip that grow it start pointing up...

Is driving me crazy guys!...I using my shiny new pre-assembled prusa i3 mk2s with the slic3r prusa edition, no air conditioner at the room (quite warm to be honest but I test with and without air-conditioner too)...btw also using Prusa ABS with ABS slic3r prusa profile that works perfect for me for other models (255C nozzle, 100C bed).

I try to attach some pictures and the model for the wrench (uplink.stl) ..benchy if the official one...let me know if I can help with any other info...

Any suggestion I will really appreciate before I get completely crazy...

P.S: Both models with PLA came our great but not point that wrench in PLA don't last more than 5min using it of showing it...benchy should came out ok as a test of the prusa with abs...With abs different resolution, orientation, speed, cooling, temperatures, raft or not..I get those pointing tips..

Opublikowany : 22/07/2017 11:40 pm
Active Member
Re: NASA wrench, benchy micro warping with ABS

Welcome to the club!!! 😀

I have been struggling with this hot mess for quite a while now, just didn't have the time to start a conversation on forumus and reddit.

I've tried :
temperature ( more/less)
part cooling (off / 5% / 10% / 20%)
enclosure (my stackalack setup) / no enclosure
overextrusion / underextrusion

Now I'm just pissed and have stopped printing abs. (I'm really loving Spoolworks EDGEthough!)

Just as for you this is not an adhesion problem ( although i had those but solved them) I have no idea what to do next.

Would love to solve this though because vapor smoothing seems fun.

EDIT P.S.: Be careful with parts hitting the PINDA probe though, the black plastic element can break off easily, and then you're in deep shit. Plenty of horror stories floating around! 😀

Opublikowany : 26/07/2017 2:11 pm