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Multiple issues with Benchy  

Active Member
Multiple issues with Benchy


I have my Mk2 KIT since 3 weeks now and I cant find the reason for my print quality issues.
I used the gray PLA filament shipped with the printer and Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.33.8.

All default -
Temp 215 first layer 205 others, Bed 55, Layer high 0.1mm, Infill 20% Cubic.

I know i have several issues, but possibly somebody can give me some hints to try.
during the print the FAN was on 100% + an extra fan added to gently move some air over the print from the back right side - but the print looked the same without the added fan.

Thanks four you Feedback - i look forward to try them out.

Till today there are no changed made on the printer (except FW update and all current driver updates).



Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2017 11:08 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

💡 start from this post here to improve your settings and printing quality @ benchy.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2017 11:21 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

are you using default settings in Slic3r that came with the prusa installation?

Have you tried a different roll of filament?

Do you have the printer in a place where there is a lot of dust?

Was the printer a kit or assembled?

Do you have a silicon sock on the hot end?

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2017 4:12 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

This is maybe a cooling problem. Try to print with lower temperatures and lower speed. Be sure that the fimament-cooler is runnung propaly.

And yes, print the Benchy with 0,2mm layerhigh for camparison.


Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2017 9:33 am
Reputable Member
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

I've shown a very similar looking benchy to Tom3D a while back, its in his first 3DSenpai video - part 2 on his Youtube channel. starting around Minute 20.

The offshoot of it was: its temperature related. Print cooler, cooler bed temperature, increase fan. He was right, it did improve my results alot. But ultimately, switching to a different PLA brand that could be printed way cooler was what gave me the "near perfect" benchy in the end.

Printing with 0,2mm layers made the problem disappear on most PLA brands i tried as well.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2017 7:33 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy


i have a MK2 Kit - Self-assembled - just noticed that a newer version is available - they changed it some days after mine were shipped - but hey 😉

some testprints of a 50% Bench (stop wasting plastic) later:


I tried to lower it, the testprint with 30°C failed - as you can see in the pic - interesting about it that i see the same stange roughness at this print, it seems like my issue has nothing to do with bed temp at all? The next print with 40°C printed until it detaches from the fresh cleaned PEI Sheet in around 1,5 cm height (see picture). Best sticking results i achieved with a bed temp =>45°C


The shipped PLA from Prusa has a label saying it should print with 200-220°C best, i tried to reduce the temp, as you can see in the pictures to 200 and 190 - but still i face the issue.


I set the FAN setting in Slic3r to manual 100%, i tried to add a 12cm fan to blow some air from front and back, but it doesn't make a difference in my eyes


Room is almost clean, but i will keep this in mind, i saw some filament filter solutions - i will check them later.


Done, all good

Whats Next

As requested i will start a print with 0.2mm layer height to compare the results. After this, i plan to increase the temp a little bit - e.g. 215 or 220 to ensure i don't oversee something..

Any other Ideas?

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2017 7:06 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

Is it just me or is your bottom layer looking a bit odd? Are you you using standard Slic3r settings for the 1st Layer?

I started printing only half benchies as well when i was trying to figure out whats going on. I never even opened the Prusa PLA, since with Prusas shipping & handling fees there's no way i'll buy from them on a regular basis. Just doesn't make much sense financially.

I never tried to add an external fan, but one thing i noticed: the side facing away from the part cooling fan was always worst. I couldn't increase cooling via fan speed, as S3D already defaults to 100% for PLA. One suggestion I was given during my testing was to rotate the benchy on the buildplate before printing. It helped, but in my opinion, that is not really a fix, as in general, i cant be printing multiple times till the best position is found.

My best result i've gotten using austrian based Extrudr MF-PLA. But it is annoyingly brittle.. a few times it snapped coming off the spool. The problem in my case is directly linked to the filament brand used.

PS: if your bearings are fine, you're not missing much with respect to the MK2S upgrades. The printed parts you can eventually print yourself and the U-bolts i think are meant to be sold seperately eventually (i think that's what i heard, somebody correct me if i got that wrong)

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2017 8:22 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

Thanks for all the hints,

i will try my next benchy rotated by 45 degree with same Settings of the last one to verify.
As you mentioned the effect appears to be more present on the side which is not hit directly by the fan (back side) - same for me.
I checked my Fan duct position and airflow, everything seems to be okay and according the Manuals instructions assembled.

I also tried to reduce the speed to 50% and ensured the Fan is set to 100%.
Btw, no i don't have a Silicon sock...

"Are you using standard Slic3r Settings": Yes, just installed it fresh on my machine without any Settings changed, i can add some screenshots in case this helps?

Btw, I found another Fan duct design on thingiverse which Looks promising - i will also try this layout tomorrow - in case the print somehow finishes successfully.

I also have another roll of PLA available, i will try it with the Esun Green Filament tomorrow.

In case someone else has an idea, everything else seems to work okay - im sure i oversea somehting obvious...

Thanks in advance for you time and hints!


Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2017 10:27 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

at all your pictures you stated that the print detached from the pei sheet during print.
➡ so i suggest that you start with getting your first layer adjustment right (finding the correct live-z adjustment level), before you start optimizing the print quality. i've set up a thread here with a (in the meantime) well proven method, because you need to be a lucky guy to get the first layer calibration right with only the v2_calibration gcode.

and sorry i've to say that, but from your pictures your first layer setting is awful...

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2017 10:41 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Multiple issues with Benchy

Thanks for the hint with the 1st layer, i woll try it tomorrow - btw, i printed a 50% benchy with another Filament - it does look better, Pictures to follow

Veröffentlicht : 03/04/2017 10:51 pm