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MK2S Not reading Z-offset  

Eminent Member
MK2S Not reading Z-offset

Hi all;

I have been running my Prusa MK2S for quite some time. according to the statistics I have over 42 days worth of print time. The last two prints I have tried to run, nothing will stick to the bed. I have tried to adjust the Z-offset, but it seem to no longer have have any effect. No mater what I adjust it to, I get the same result. The filament seems to be extruded well above the print surface.

I saw this on a PETG print some time back, but was able to run XYZ Calibration, and then the Z-offset started working again. This time around I have run XYZ Calibration 3 times, and adjusted the Z-offset after each run, but I get the same result. When I run the XYZ calibration I get a message something like "The XYZ Calibration ok. X/Y axis are perpendicular, Congratulations !", so I'm pretty sure everything is OK there. Just before this error started I ran a 103 hour print using PETG that ran perfectly and then several Carbon Fiber Nylon prints that also ran perfectly. My third print with Carbon fiber is where I started having trouble. I have since switched back to PETG and PLA for calibration, and I get the same results with each material.

Has anyone seen this sort of problem? any suggestions on how to correct?


Respondido : 18/03/2018 3:21 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK2S Not reading Z-offset

Re-flashed the Firmware and reran all of the calibration stuff. The Z-offset is 2x what it was previously, but the first layer calibration ran with PLA. When I loaded PETG, it seemed to be a little off, but so-far adhesion seems to be OK. I'll know more when the test print finishes.

Respondido : 18/03/2018 4:59 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK2S Not reading Z-offset

Seems to be printing well again.

I guess the next questions are: Why did it stop paying attention to the Z-Offset, and What would cause such a drastic change in Z-Offset.

Not sure why I would have had to re-flash firmware to get it to start reading using the z-offset to adjust print height.

Respondido : 18/03/2018 5:11 pm