LCD shows no extruder-temperature during print
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LCD shows no extruder-temperature during print  

Eminent Member
LCD shows no extruder-temperature during print


during Bed and Extruder heating the LCD shows all 4 tempetatures (like 210/210 and for Bed 52/52 if the heating is done).
If the Print starts, i see no temperatur for Extruder (0/210 Bed 52/52).
The Printer prints normal and i have no problem with the prints.

I use Cura.

My startcode:

M190 S60.000000
M109 S210.000000
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G1 X4.0 F2000
G1 Y60.0 E4.0 F1000.0
G1 Y100.0 E8.5 F1000.0
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F9000
M117 Printing... ;Put printing message on LCD screen

;Layer count: 301
G0 F9000 X78.482 Y76.889 Z0.200
G1 F1200 X79.706 Y75.838 E0.05366
G1 X81.017 Y74.711 E0.11116

Have anyone a Idea why i have no Extrudertemp.?


Publié : 28/04/2016 12:05 am
Honorable Member
Re: LCD shows no extruder-temperature during print


I use slic3r settings from Joseph Prusa's website. Perfectly defined for the Prusa I3 . As regards Cura steal some of the slic3r settings.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Publié : 30/04/2016 7:52 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: LCD shows no extruder-temperature during print

Hello Peter,

thank you for your answer.
i use Cura, Slic3r and Kisslicer.
I see this bug when i print with Cura.
I've not tested it with Slic3r or Kisslicer but i will test it at Monday evening.
Then i tell you the result.


Publié : 01/05/2016 9:55 pm
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