I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING
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I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING  

Active Member
I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING

So i built my printer with no issues PLA printed fine had no issues i always just used Sli3r on my mac and saved it all to the SD card then transfer the SD card with the gcode from slic3r and i have tried many different settings now i even tried using cura instead of slic3r and it seems like nothing will stick to the PEI heated bed. my settings right now are 110 bed temp and 245 extruder temp. i beleve print speed is 90mm/s and first layer 20mm/s please can someone tell me whats going on i have a mk2.0 newest modle of the prusa and im getting very frustrated that all i can print is PLA also i cant seem to get my heated bed to over 115C whats the max heat this bed should get to ? any help would be so appreciated also im using a mac for my computer if that means anything thanks guys

Publié : 20/04/2017 9:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING

UPDATE: Now pla wont even work it start printing above the bed so i have to recalibrate

Publié : 20/04/2017 9:48 pm
Estimable Member
Re: I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING

do this...

Move your Z axis up to about 100mm before starting the print. This is so the pinda probe doesn't get too hot.

Use the Default Slic3r setting for Prusa ABS. If you are printing in an enclosure leave it open for this test.

Make sure the PEI bed is clean.

clean the PEI bed with Acetone using a new paper towel or a cotton pad. (seems redundant but is not)

Print something in abs and take pictures.

a few questions. when did PLA stop working? ABS never worked? How long have you had your machine? What does it say under statistics in the printer menu? What brand and how old is the ABS?

Publié : 21/04/2017 5:04 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: I can not get abs or hips to print FRUSTRATING

Thanks for the reply so after i tried printing with pla and it was not making contact with the bed i decided to reset printer and set the live z to 0 then i set the pina sensor to 1mm when nozzle was just touching bed then Did all the calibrations and bed leveling then did the v2calibration with pla and got the live z adjustment good then i printed the batman logo with pla and adjusted the live z a bit more then i changed over to abs and used cura to slice a space marine and vola it worked pretty good not the best quality but it worked so thanks for the replys anyone else having the same issue i had i recommend starting over with pina sensor height and also the calibrations.

Also how hot can the printbed get on the prusa i3 mk2 2.0 it seems to take a very long time to increase over 100C and takes almost 10 minutes to warm up from 0 to 100C is this normal?

Publié : 21/04/2017 6:39 am
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