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finding gcode line  

Milos V.
Prominent Member
finding gcode line

can anybody recommend me how to find a specific position in gcode? I need to change the order how parts of one layer are printed. This is because of changing the filament color, but not for the whole layer, but just for a part of. Unfortunately printer prints this in wrong order.
I tried Simplify3D, which shows me print step by step together with line number in gcode. But after opening the gcode file in text editor, the number of lines does not match. In fact, Simplify3D shows me also line numbers over the total amount of lines in file.
My intention is to make change within the last layer only. I think this should be easy to do, because each part I need to step into starts with the nozzle moving to different location (or speed change, in fact).
Does some tool show with the graphic preview also the gcode for that step? Or can I get this somehow from Simplify3D?
I am not able to estimate it just from the coordinates, or at least not if better way exists.
Thank you for your help.

Publié : 14/05/2017 11:47 am
Honorable Member
Re: finding gcode line

i've been using notepad+++ with the gcode plug in for editing.
and gcode viewer to step through the layers, gcode viewer will also show the command in the gcode you are on which narrows down what i am looking for. then i search for that exact sequence of gcode inside notepad and edit from there.

note pad +++

gcode plug in

gcode viewer with links to DL and use offline

the gcode will be hightlighted light orange in the viewer to show the layer you are on.
red gcode is ignored by the parser if you are into programming you can modify the given java code. i started to add a Fan status but stopped.
it could use that and also temperature shown layer to layer.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Publié : 14/05/2017 7:11 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: finding gcode line

That gcode viewer is good enough for my purpose, thank you very much. I was able to make it.
By chance, do you know what for are the wipe retraction commands at the end of the print? The coordinates are around the last printed position. Code comes from Slic3r.

M204 S1000
G1 F5760;_WIPE
G1 X103.240 Y110.866 E-0.20359
G1 F5760;_WIPE
G1 X103.652 Y110.963 E-0.14658
G1 F5760;_WIPE
G1 X103.019 Y111.596 E-0.30987
G1 F5760;_WIPE
G1 X103.061 Y111.881 E-0.09997
G1 E-0.04000 F2100.00000



Publié : 14/05/2017 8:24 pm
Honorable Member
Re: finding gcode line

do you have wipe on retract set to on?

the ; means comment so anything after it is plain text ignored by printer.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Publié : 15/05/2017 5:47 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: finding gcode line

Yes, wipe on retract is on in the Slic3r settings. It retracts everytime while moving, suppose that is normal. But these lines with the wipe comment are just at the end of print. It is followed just with the ending commands. Nothing important, I am just curious what this should do.


Publié : 15/05/2017 7:20 pm
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