"Ensure vertical wall thickness" second layer problem
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"Ensure vertical wall thickness" second layer problem  

Honorable Member
"Ensure vertical wall thickness" second layer problem

I have an issue with the second layer being sliced in such a way that the object would adhere very poorly to the base.

I'm using Slicer (V 1.31.6 -pusa3D-linux64)

This seems to be caused by the ticking of the box for "Ensure vertical wall thickness" in Print Settings > Layers and Perimeters.

When "Ensure vertical wall thickness" is ticked, then the second layer is solid, and the third layer will stick nicely to it.

When "Ensure vertical wall thickness" is not ticked, then the second layer has gaps exactly where the third layer will be deposited next.

I do not want to use "Ensure vertical wall thickness" for this object, because it is tall and thin and will probably not withstand the violent rattling that the "Ensure vertical wall thickness" causes at times. And in addition, little bits of filament get deposited in spaces where I do not want it. I want this object to be hollow, so it can be filled with epoxy resin for strength. Any areas of PLA inside the fin will only weaken it.

See attached screenshots for illustration, please.

Any ideas how I can get the second layer to print solidly, without the unwanted "Wall thickness" add-ons?

Cheers, Mik

Veröffentlicht : 19/03/2017 5:02 am
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: "Ensure vertical wall thickness" second layer problem

More screenshots, showing the first layer (which comes out the same with or without the "Ensure vertical wall thickness"),

the second layer as it should be (but only comes out like this when the "Ensure vertical wall thickness" is selected),

and one of the unwanted effects of the "Ensure vertical wall thickness" higher up in the fin.

Veröffentlicht : 19/03/2017 5:05 am
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: "Ensure vertical wall thickness" second layer problem

I'm still getting the same problem in Slic3r Prusa V 1.33.8

Veröffentlicht : 25/03/2017 2:35 am