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Dark drop-down menues in Slic3r  

Honorable Member
Dark drop-down menues in Slic3r

I have been putting up with near-unreadable drop-down menus in Slic3r for a few weeks now.

Any idea what causes this? See screenshot.

It started suddenly and I cannot find any setting I could change to make them readable again.

Using Ubuntu 16.04LTS and Slic3r 1.38.5-prusa3d-linux64

It had been working well for quite a while before this started, and everything else still seems to work.

Thanks for any help!

Respondido : 27/02/2018 11:16 am
Mike B.
Active Member
Re: Dark drop-down menues in Slic3r

There was a change to the gtk-2 Ambiance theme that caused this.
Here is a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1743710
There are three ways to fix:
1) Change the theme in System Settings > Appearance
2) Reinstall the old theme, instructions in bug report, (new theme will probably get reinstalled next update though)

3) The one I used which involves editing a gtkrc file (this is also in the bug report)
In a Terminal run:
gksudo nautilus /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

Open the gtkrc file and find style "menu" = "dark" {
Change it to style "menu" = "white" {
Save changes, then log out and in or reboot for change to take place.

Respondido : 02/03/2018 8:35 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Dark drop-down menues in Slic3r

There was a change to the gtk-2 Ambiance theme that caused this.
Here is a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1743710
There are three ways to fix:
1) Change the theme in System Settings > Appearance
2) Reinstall the old theme, instructions in bug report, (new theme will probably get reinstalled next update though)

3) The one I used which involves editing a gtkrc file (this is also in the bug report)
In a Terminal run:
gksudo nautilus /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

Open the gtkrc file and find style "menu" = "dark" {
Change it to style "menu" = "white" {
Save changes, then log out and in or reboot for change to take place.

Thank you, Michael!

Fix number 1) worked for me.

Strangely enough the dark menus only affect Slic3r on my computer. Gimp and a couple others i just tried seem unaffected.

Respondido : 02/03/2018 11:36 pm