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Calibrating to new filaments  

Active Member
Calibrating to new filaments

I'm trying to design a print object that can be used to 'calibrate' settings for new filaments (or even the next roll of a known filament) with minimal amount of material and time wastage.

What I have come up with so far is still a bit cumbersome, because it involves manually inserting temperature commands into the .gcode files, after they have been exported by Slic3r.

However, it only takes a few minutes to do and is better than nothing, and much better than waiting for repeated Benchy failed prints..... 😉

Posted : 09/11/2016 12:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrating to new filaments

The print shown above was made from the file

It's pPurpose is to test effect of extruder temperature on layer adhesion and spider webbing.

Original Prusa i3 MK2 with ZHop_2-40

I inserted 'Manual' extruder temp changes into the .gcode file after it was exported by Slic3r.

Command used:
M104 S210 ; set extruder temp ; The number behind S determines the temperature in DegC.

I used the search function to find the points in the .gcode file where certain z-levels start, and then inserted a temperature command every 5mm of print height. I started with 225degC, but should really have used 230degC, because the label on the filament being testes suggests "190-230degC". The I reduced the temperature by 5degC after every 5mm of z-height.

Like this:
First layer S210
z5 S225
z10 S220
z15 S215
z20 s210
z25 S205
z30 s200
z35 s195
z40 s190

I also added a generous brim of 25mm, to allow ample time to muck around with the live z adjustment.

Start_time: 2016-11-09, 1813hrs

Live z adjust: Look at the rings shown in the picture to see the effect of z-adjust levels)
initially -0.300

The print proceeded without problems until the left column detached partially from the bed at Z45.45 observed.
The I stopped the print and took the photo. You can see the white area in the brim where the left column has detached.

- Spider webs increase proportionately with reducing temperature. At higher temperatures, with this particular filament and these settings, there is less spider-webbing (let me know what the accepted term for those strings between the columns is, pls).
- Brim: really good at -0.350mm; falling apart at -0.200; others 'so so';
- strength testing by breaking it to bits by hand: very weak at lower temperatures, progressively stronger at higher temperatures, quite strong at the high temp end.

Let me know how you think this test can be improved.

I'm now running a Benchy test at the high-end temp of 230degC for this PLA variety, with standard PRUSA i3 with Zhop retraction of 0.8mm at 35mm/s.

Posted : 09/11/2016 12:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrating to new filaments

Things to improve:

- set first layer temperature to highest temperature in the test range. It takes a while for the hotend to heat up from 200degC to 230degC, and the difference might even be bigger for other filaments.

- I have inserted 'visual breaks' in the .gcode file (by lines containing only ";"), so that it ius easier to spot where I have messed around with it.

Looks like this:

G1 X124.665 Y102.750 E-0.11295
G1 F5760
G1 X125.060 Y102.727 E-0.15643
G1 F5760
G1 X125.334 Y102.750 E-0.10920
G1 E-1.21142 F2400.00000
G1 Z5.000 F7200.000
M104 S225 ; set extruder temp
G1 X127.441 Y107.508 F7200.000
G1 X128.226 Y108.568 F7200.000
G1 X128.196 Y108.599 F7200.000
G1 X128.110 Y108.692 F7200.000
G1 X129.167 Y109.494 F7200.000
G1 X131.012 Y111.443 F7200.000
G1 Z4.850 F7200.000
G1 E2.00000 F2400.00000
M204 S800

Posted : 09/11/2016 12:36 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrating to new filaments

And here the OpenScad code.


cylinder (h=50, r=2.5);

cylinder (h=50, r=2.5);

I have modified it since printing the first test. initially it only contained one column, which I then multiplied in Slic3r.

However, to make it more repeatable, it is probably best to set the distance between the columns to a fixed value.

What value would be best, I don't know.

Posted : 09/11/2016 12:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrating to new filaments

This approach resulted in my best Bench, yet!

Moderate stringing, very strong layer adhesion, good detail, smooth hull.

I'll try with a bit more retraction next time.

Posted : 09/11/2016 9:20 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Calibrating to new filaments

I'll try with a bit more retraction next time.

Sometimes less is more...


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 09/11/2016 10:07 pm