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Banding on first layer  

Eminent Member
Banding on first layer

Does anybody know what could be causing this? I noticed it mostly after getting a new brand of filament. I'm pretty new at this so I'm prepared for it to be user error.

Napsal : 17/06/2017 8:10 pm
Active Member
Re: Banding on first layer

I'm in the same boat as you and was going to post this exact thing today so I'm following along with you.
I purchased the fully assembled mks which worked gre for the first 2 prints and this seems to be getting worse the more I print. How about yours. Was yours a kit? Or assembled ?

Napsal : 17/06/2017 9:38 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Banding on first layer

Mine was a kit. I haven't noticed getting worse, but I'm not sure what settings to mess with to make it better. My instincts say live-z, but what's weird is sometimes its just one line that extrudes weird. Like a whole 10cmx10cm square could be fine, but just one of the lines is either bigger, or taller or something. Even on upper layers, not just the first one.

Napsal : 19/06/2017 7:11 pm
Active Member
Re: Banding on first layer

I've been playing setting over the past few days and found the Live-Z helped a lot, all other calibration test really had no affect, but like you said almost the whole print will be fine and one spot is going to try lowering the print temp. found a post somewhere in here saying it helped. fingers crossed.

Napsal : 19/06/2017 9:11 pm
Active Member
Re: Banding on first layer

I have noticed something similar on my printer and is always very visible on the first layer. Sure would like to know what is causing it.

Napsal : 30/03/2018 6:04 pm
New Member
Re: Banding on first layer

I'm having a similar issue on the top layer of my prints. The banding for me occurs towards the middle of the flat area, and parallel to the extrusion direction.

For banding on the first layer, I would try re-calibrating using the "V2Calibration" file, making sure that the extruded line fully adheres and is slightly flattened. Also, I've had the best results with the first layer by increasing the temperature of the heated bed to 70 C, and increasing extrusion temperature to 230 C for first layer, 220 C for the rest.

Napsal : 30/03/2018 7:03 pm
New Member
Re: Banding on first layer

Also, try reducing the speed of the first layer.

Napsal : 30/03/2018 7:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Banding on first layer

@mikebourgeault - your photo looks like over extrusion to me. If it just started after changing filament, did you measure the width of your new filament? Perhaps it's a bit wide. You could try reducing the extrusion multiplier in your slicer settings. Also - if you post photos it's preferred to attach them to your post (see the attachment tab below where you type).

@spongybob1958 - this wavy pattern is caused when your live-z is set a bit too low.


Napsal : 01/04/2018 12:11 am
Active Member
Re: Banding on first layer

Thanks kevin.r5. Adjusting up on the live-Z fixed the problem. That example was with PLA. What I didn't realize is that with a hotter bed temperature I need to lower the live-z or the filament barley touches the bed. Maybe it's because the MK2s doesn't have a temperature compensated PINDA probe.

Napsal : 15/05/2018 1:55 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Banding on first layer

with the Mk2, there is no Pinda temperature compensation,

so I suggest that you try and remember to always start your next print with the extruder about 60mm above the Bed...

this will mittigate most heating issues with your pinda, and make future prints less of a hassle

if you intend to re adjust live z... don't forget to lift the extruder to 60mm before and between adjustment prints...

if you forget, the print after live z adjustment may well have a poor first layer

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 15/05/2018 3:01 pm