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Weird Z Axis Problem  

New Member
Weird Z Axis Problem

MK3 kit, received a couple weeks ago, assembled, no problem.

I've printed a bunch of stuff and outside some vibrations introduced because I have the printer on the top of a shelf my prints have been coming out very well.

Two nights ago I ran a print that finished up without issues. Started the printer up again yesterday morning to run another print and after heating it up, getting my filament in, and starting my print, before it got to checking bed level I got an error saying "Bed leveling failed. Sensor disconnected or cable broken. Waiting for reset".

The Z motors are fine, since I went to run the XYZ config process again and manually brought the hotend near the bed, which it then brought all the way up ... then started to do the bed leveling calibration way up at the top of the Z axis ....

The PINDA appears to be working because if I bring it all the way down on the Z manually and remove / add the metal sheet it detects a Z difference.

This is what happens when I try to re-run XYZ config:


Postato : 05/01/2018 7:01 pm