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Topics start at page 64
It looks like someone is spamming the forum 😡
I have found the other topics at page 64 🙂
Opublikowany : 14/12/2017 8:31 am
Re: Topics start at page 64
Pg 14 now, and some at top of pg1
Opublikowany : 14/12/2017 9:32 am
Re: Topics start at page 64
Prusa should implement some security creating new users, like these numbers and/or letters you need to the in prohibiting robots to create users.
Opublikowany : 14/12/2017 9:49 am
Re: Topics start at page 64
All spam deleted, sorry for the issues. We are working on improved security measures.
Assembly manuals
/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...
Opublikowany : 14/12/2017 9:57 am