Spurious self-test fail (fans swapped): heads up during build
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Spurious self-test fail (fans swapped): heads up during build  

Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Spurious self-test fail (fans swapped): heads up during build

I just ran self-test on a working printer (been using it for several weeks) to remeasure belt tension. It ran extruder fan correctly, then print cooling fan, then failed due to "fans swapped". They definitely are not swapped (it had passed previous self-tests, and I had just seen it test the fans in order). I ran self-test again and it was fine, no fail.

No big deal. I'm only posting this in hopes that people doing new builds run self-test twice before opening up the einsy enclosure and swapping the fan wires thinking they reversed them. Watch the fans during the extruder fan (open fan) and print cooling fan (squirrel cage blowing down). If they run correctly and you fail "fans swapped", rerun self-test before trying any rewiring.

Publié : 04/01/2018 5:17 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Spurious self-test fail (fans swapped): heads up during build

I finished my build last night.
Ran the self test and it also said that the fans were swapped. I knew this wasn't right as I watched the fans as it tested them and the correct one was spinning each time.

Pressed the reset button and then without touching or changing anything I re-ran the self test. Passed with flying colours so something in there is getting a little confused.

Fresh build and with 'as supplied' firmware loaded.

Publié : 04/01/2018 5:31 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Spurious self-test fail (fans swapped): heads up during build

I just had this happen again. I had adjusted the X belt tension (back plate off) and ran self-test before putting the plate back on. Self-test failed on 'fan swap' the first time. Ran again, passed. Posted my heads up again.

After completing reassembly, I ran the wizard to reset everything and start over. Fans ran correctly, then failed for 'fan swap'. Powered off, powered on. Wizard started again and this time it was fine.

I'm running 3.1.1 RC4 b143 (Dec 30th)

Publié : 04/01/2018 5:39 pm
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