Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?
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Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?  

Active Member
Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?

I have a Mk3 with the spiral wrap. I know the connector has been updated and prusa has gone to a mesh wrap instead of the spiral and stiffener. Does anyone know if I should be in a rush to switch? Is there a known flaw with the spiral wrap? I ask just because mine appears to be working fine and I don't really want to mess with it at the moment if I don't need to.

Respondido : 06/03/2018 8:26 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?

If you are working fine no need to switch it out. Just a tweak to the design, mesh wrap allowed them to get rid of the piece of nylon and I think a few people where having issues with damaging their wires after assembly. If you want to switch it out, I'd wait until there was something worth the time to modify the printer and do it then.

Respondido : 06/03/2018 8:49 pm
New Member
Re: Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?

In https://www.prusaprinters.org/original-prusa-i3-mk3-2-months/ under Thermisters he mentions that the recommendation is to remove the spiral wrap and nylon filament as it's unnecessary and potentially harmful.

I did that during assembly, but I expect it would be fairly simple even assembled.

Respondido : 07/03/2018 2:06 am
Eminent Member
Re: Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?

the spiral wrap acts like a chinese finger trap, pulling on the thermistor cable with the bed movement, dragging it deeper and deeper into the spiral wrap, able to rip it out of the bed, or snapping the cable.

Respondido : 07/03/2018 8:44 am
New Member
Re: Spiral wrap to mesh wrap for bed cables. Necessary?

I know this post is 2 months old but I just stumbled on as I am searching for what material was used for the new MK3 cable wrap.

Yes, spiral wrap can/will cause problems. On my MK2/S both my PINDA and extruder fan wires developed breaks in them. I see what on the thermistor wires as well.

I am doing a Full Bear upgrade to my MK2/S and so I'm going to be swapping out the spiral wrap. I was going to print the chain cable management on Thingiverse but I think that might cause clearance issues in an enclosure.

Anyone know the cable wrap diameter in the new MK3 build?

Respondido : 31/05/2018 5:49 pm