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[Geschlossen] Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???  

Active Member
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

I am still waiting for my MK3 kit to be shipped but i would like to take the time to prepare for the octoprint setup.
On all my 3d printers (Vellemann K8200, BCN3D Sigma, Creality CR-10) i was using Octoprint with Webcam connected via USB and i will never miss this option again. It's very useful to upload the gcode via the network to the printer, start/stop/pause and monitor the print via webcam.

I will definetely not use the pi zero due to missing LAN connection and too low processing power, especially when using webcam and timelapse function. And i am not alone ... really lot of other Prusa users want to go for Raspberry 3 (3 B = 1,2 MHz or 3 B+ = 1,4 MHz) because of CPU power of heat problems.

Anyhow i am not sure how to connect the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to the MK3:
a) via Einsy?
b) via USB?

My questions on this:
1. What is the pro and contra for connection via Einsy/USB?
2. Will filament run-out sensors (pause and resume print) work on both connection variants?
3. Will power recovery function (resume print after power loss) work on both connection variants?
4. Can PrusaControl Image from Pi zero used also on Raspberry 3? Special modifications needed?
5. Is it possible/recommended to upload gcode from octoprint to SD card from printer and start printing from this SD? Usually i was always uploading locally to octoprint because the transfer from octroprint to printers SD takes very long processing time. What is the situation on the MK3?

The main difficulty is to setup octoprint in a way that all functions (filament sensors, power recovery, etc.) can be used without any issue.
Due to big demand from the community on this topic it would be great to get official procedure from Prusa Research about how-to use Raspberry Pi 3 B+ on the MK3.

Thanks for all of your feedback on this topic.


Veröffentlicht : 20/03/2018 9:52 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

I have the same questions, I'm setting up my 3 B now. The other thing I noticed is on the prusa print octopi image I cant seem to set up access control.

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2018 3:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

Anyhow i am not sure how to connect the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to the MK3:
a) via Einsy?
b) via USB?

Via USB. There's a thread about connecting a B+ to the Einsy but I don't know why anyone would bother going through the hassle.

1. What is the pro and contra for connection via Einsy/USB?

USB Pro: You plug the cable in and you are done.
Einsy Con: Nobody's done the B+ yet and you're in for a world of futzing around for no real benefit.

2. Will filament run-out sensors (pause and resume print) work on both connection variants?

While I haven't used it here's a filament sensor plug-in for Octoprint:

3. Will power recovery function (resume print after power loss) work on both connection variants?

I doubt it, but realistically how often are you actually going to have this problem? If you *really* think this will happen a lot to you put the printer on a UPS.

4. Can PrusaControl Image from Pi zero used also on Raspberry 3? Special modifications needed?

It should but I'm just running the standard Octoprint image, not the one from Prusa. It works fine.

5. Is it possible/recommended to upload gcode from octoprint to SD card from printer and start printing from this SD? Usually i was always uploading locally to octoprint because the transfer from octroprint to printers SD takes very long processing time. What is the situation on the MK3?

Same situation. Don't print from the SD card, print directly from Octoprint.


Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2018 3:37 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

While I haven't used it here's a filament sensor plug-in for Octoprint:
I am using this filament sensor plugin on my Creality CR-10 but this means you need to wire the sensor to the Raspberry. The plugin will not work if the sensor is connected to the mainboard.

There is no reason not to use available features if it's technical possible to be used also with octoprint.
It would be useful which information will be transfered from Einsy to Pi Zero in order to validate if it's needed or not.

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2018 8:44 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

Does the MK3 allow to store the gcode file on the SD from the printer and how long does it take?
Usually in this case the gcode is transfered to octoprint and than sent via serial interface (GCode) to the printer.
The advantage on having the GCode on the SD from the printer and starting from there is that also all FW features (also powerpanic) should work because the print is controlled from the printer and not from octoprint. The drawback is that filename on SD is limited to only 8 digits and the transfer takes very long time.

Can somebody confirm if this is also the situation on the MK3?
I am still waiting for my delivery. 😉

Veröffentlicht : 24/03/2018 5:47 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

I have a Raspberry Pi simply connected to the USB connection. Works flawlessly.

SD card transfer is independent of printer and takes ages if you have a big file. Never use that.

Veröffentlicht : 24/03/2018 7:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

2. Will filament run-out sensors (pause and resume print) work on both connection variants?

Yes, because on my brilliant black ngen I had multiple false positives due to the sensor and the printer simply paused

3. Will power recovery function (resume print after power loss) work on both connection variants?

I doubt since it is Octoprint sending the commands and it will lose connection with the printer on a power failure

4. Can PrusaControl Image from Pi zero used also on Raspberry 3? Special modifications needed?

I doubt it.

5. Is it possible/recommended to upload gcode from octoprint to SD card from printer and start printing from this SD? Usually i was always uploading locally to octoprint because the transfer from octroprint to printers SD takes very long processing time. What is the situation on the MK3?

Still takes a long time. Nothing to do with the printer

Also make sure that OctoPi is compatible with the new Raspberry.

Veröffentlicht : 24/03/2018 7:58 pm
New Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

Anyhow i am not sure how to connect the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to the MK3:
a) via Einsy?
b) via USB?

Via USB. There's a thread about connecting a B+ to the Einsy but I don't know why anyone would bother going through the hassle.

1. What is the pro and contra for connection via Einsy/USB?

USB Pro: You plug the cable in and you are done.
Einsy Con: Nobody's done the B+ yet and you're in for a world of futzing around for no real benefit.

2. Will filament run-out sensors (pause and resume print) work on both connection variants?

While I haven't used it here's a filament sensor plug-in for Octoprint:

3. Will power recovery function (resume print after power loss) work on both connection variants?

I doubt it, but realistically how often are you actually going to have this problem? If you *really* think this will happen a lot to you put the printer on a UPS.

4. Can PrusaControl Image from Pi zero used also on Raspberry 3? Special modifications needed?

It should but I'm just running the standard Octoprint image, not the one from Prusa. It works fine.

5. Is it possible/recommended to upload gcode from octoprint to SD card from printer and start printing from this SD? Usually i was always uploading locally to octoprint because the transfer from octroprint to printers SD takes very long processing time. What is the situation on the MK3?

Same situation. Don't print from the SD card, print directly from Octoprint.


Can you print from the SD card so as to use these features and just monitor from octopi, or do you need to print from within octopi in order to use it to monitor?


Veröffentlicht : 28/03/2018 8:18 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

The latest version of Octoprint (still in release candidate mode) is capable of showing print status if you print via SD card.

Veröffentlicht : 29/03/2018 12:53 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

The latest version of Octoprint (still in release candidate mode) is capable of showing print status if you print via SD card.

On my Sigma i could get status on Octoprint when printing from SD.
Is this feature Prusa MK3 specific? Otherwise i am wondering why it was working on the Sigma but not on the MK3.

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2018 5:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

All I know is what is in the release notes for Octoprint's latest release candidate ( ):

OctoPrint will now detect prints from SD started through your printer’s built-in controller, if the firmware fulfills a couple of requirements:
it must send a “File opened: …” message on start of the print
it must respond to an immediately sent M27 with SD printing byte <current>/<total>
it must stay responsive during ongoing print to allow for regular M27 polls (or push those automatically) or M25 to pause/cancel the print through OctoPrint. Additionally there’s now support for SD status autoreport capabilities by the firmware.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2018 1:13 am
Active Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

1. What is the pro and contra for connection via Einsy/USB?

USB Pro: You plug the cable in and you are done.
Einsy Con: Nobody's done the B+ yet and you're in for a world of futzing around for no real benefit.

I've considered connecting a Pi 3 directly to Einsy. My only issue with OctoPrint is if you load the web page while it is printing, the printing can stall for a second or two. The WiFi is on the USB bus, so I was thinking possibly using the serial port for printing would remedy this. That is assuming the processor isn't also a bottleneck.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2018 1:13 am
Honorable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

[quote=michael.c46 post_id=74690

I've considered connecting a Pi 3 directly to Einsy. My only issue with OctoPrint is if you load the web page while it is printing, the printing can stall for a second or two. The WiFi is on the USB bus, so I was thinking possibly using the serial port for printing would remedy this. That is assuming the processor isn't also a bottleneck.

What pi are you running? I haven't had this happen on my pi3, even when doing background tasks too.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2018 5:14 am
Active Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

I've considered connecting a Pi 3 directly to Einsy. My only issue with OctoPrint is if you load the web page while it is printing, the printing can stall for a second or two. The WiFi is on the USB bus, so I was thinking possibly using the serial port for printing would remedy this. That is assuming the processor isn't also a bottleneck.

What pi are you running? I haven't had this happen on my pi3, even when doing background tasks too.

This was with my 3KU printer, using a Pi 3 over WiFi, connected via USB. It would always run fine, until I clicked to the gcode viewer. The gcode is pretty big, so while that is downloaded by the web page, the USB bus gets a little overloaded and/or the print thread gets preempted, and the printer would pause. Searching the OctoPrint forums, this is a common complaint and feature request to fix.

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2018 4:44 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

This was with my 3KU printer, using a Pi 3 over WiFi, connected via USB. It would always run fine, until I clicked to the gcode viewer. The gcode is pretty big, so while that is downloaded by the web page, the USB bus gets a little overloaded and/or the print thread gets preempted, and the printer would pause. Searching the OctoPrint forums, this is a common complaint and feature request to fix.

Odd, I wonder why I've never had that happen. I once left it encoding a time lapse, printing, watching the 720p camera stream, AND watching/loading the Gcode.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2018 6:09 pm
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

So, net result: the only disadvantage to printing from Octoprint on a "full sized pi" via USB is no power-resume, right?

Veröffentlicht : 23/06/2018 12:50 am
Eminent Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

ya, can we get a definite answer here? i have a 3b+ and im thinking of pinning directly into the einsy as well.

the only thing holding me back currently is i wanted to run a relay, triggered by a gpio, to be able to remote shutdown the printer with the PSU Control plugin. so since it is my understanding that a direct connection to the einsy also brings power to the pi, doing a remote shutdown of the printer would in turn mean a hard shutdown for the pi, and that might risk corrupting the SD card.

so, a side though to that, is it possible to connect all the data pins directly to the einsy, but omit the pins providing power, and use the standard wall wart power supply to power the pi? that way it can still be used to affect a relay to kill power to the printer, and then be able to do a proper shutdown thru octoprint.

somehow had designed an all-in-one einsy w/ pi 3 enclosure which i just finished printing. he had mentioned the pins are as follows...

4 -> 2
6 -> 4
8 -> 6
10 -> 8
15 -> 13
16 -> 14

so if anyone has done this, do you know which pins are supplying the pi with the einsy power?

Veröffentlicht : 18/07/2018 2:50 am
Active Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

The power consumption of the RPi 3B+ is too high for the Einsy board to feed it. This is why you must use an alternate power supply for the Raspberry Pi. either external to the printer (another 5V PSU adapter) or build integrated, like a 5V step down converter connected to the printers 24V.

I use the later. however, in that case I think it is wrong to connect Pin4 of the raspberry Pi to the Einsy board, as you would connect the two 5V power supplies.

Unless both power supplies are designed for that, a compensation current would run from one PSU to the other to compensate for any (small) difference in the 5V,

This is why I left PIN4 disconnected.

Also note, that when your step down converter has a shared ground (as all stepdown converters I have seen have), you are creating a ground loop if you connect Pin 6 of the rapsberry PI, but I felt that was less harmfull. I left PIN6 connected.

On the discussion RPi USB vs. serial connection, I feel the two are equivalent from a performance point of view, but WHEN Prusa will implement functionality in Octoprint for their MK3 specifically, they will probably make use of the connected pins, so I feel slightly better about the serial connection.

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2018 11:20 am
Active Member
Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ via Einsy or USB ???

The power consumption of the RPi 3B+ is too high for the Einsy board to feed it. This is why you must use an alternate power supply for the Raspberry Pi. either external to the printer (another 5V PSU adapter) or build integrated, like a 5V step down converter connected to the printers 24V.

I use the later. however, in that case I think it is wrong to connect Pin4 of the raspberry Pi to the Einsy board, as you would connect the two 5V power supplies.

Hi, Im about to connect my RPI3 to 24V power input using buck converter to 5V. Where did you connect the 24V from the einsy board to the buck converter? I was thinking that it would be nice to go through the same fuse as the rest of the logic. Not sure if this is necessary. Did you just use the pins directly from the PSU? How did you connect your board?

Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2018 7:40 pm