Print problem: One edge is lifts from the heat bed during print
Can anyone give me some tips to prevent the edge is lifting from the heat bed during printing?
I'm printing a plate that is 249x140mm with my Prusa MK2 and I have done two prints and the same error is happening same place after the same time. One of the four edges is lifting from the head bed after approximately 3 hours of printing. I'm printing with PLA
Re: Print problem: One edge is lifts from the heat bed during print
Hi Lars
you are incredibly near to the edge... and using sharp corners...
probably going to need a few ideas
A brim would help... but it will give problems because of the model size
make your heat bed scrupulouly clean.
add Tabs to your corners, reduces lifting forces concentrating at a sharp corner
try increasing your bed temp after the first layer or two... to say 65 centigrade this is approaching the max temperature for PLA but may help prevent warping
print the PLA as cool as possible, reduces lifting forces caused by shrinkage
use as little infill as you can get away with, reduces lifting forces caused by shrinkage
in the picture above I have shown "Mouse Ears" at the right hand side...
these are about 0.6mm thick and they help keep the corners down during printing
but your model is on the limits of bed size, so try half tabs like on the left hand side...
trim off after printing
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Print problem: One edge is lifts from the heat bed during print
Try some 3Dlac spray - works great !
Re: Print problem: One edge is lifts from the heat bed during print
increase your live Z towards the bed, so it forces more into the PEI sheet. you can offset this will elephant foot compensation in slicer.
increase bed temperature. PEI gets sticker the hotter it gets.
Clean bed with 100% IPA use a scotch pad to clean the bed with IPA scuff up the PEI sheet and you will have more surface area for the first layer to stick to.
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