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[Closed] Print Fan error  

Active Member
Print Fan error

Hi everyone,I Need help with my printer
It’s been almost 2 weeks since I got my prusa mk3 I bought it already built and just now I’m having a problem every time I print something after 30 or 40 minutes my printer stop working and it says that there’s a print fan error but I can still see both fans working,other thing that I noticed is that the extruder gets really hot I don’t know if that’s normal or not I've never notice that before,anybody have any idea what can be the problem?

Napsal : 01/02/2018 12:03 am
Honorable Member
Re: Print Fan error

The forum ate my response... so Short and to the point.

Do you think it could be your fan wire. There's a thread on page 3 or 4 that seems to be the same issue possibly?

When you say extruder, do you mean the actual extruder proper? Becuase depending on what you are printing you can run it today, at around 275c. (actual print temp, it can go hotter) Which is 527f... Hot enough to burn paper!

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Napsal : 01/02/2018 2:04 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print Fan error

I don’t think is the wire Because when the printer stop the fans are still working they never stop for one minute
The motor extruder is the one who gets really hot I don’t know if that’s normal but if is not maybe is making the printer to think that the fan it’s off

Update,so i checked all the wires and they are fine and now only takes 12 minutes for my printer to stop with the same error 🙁

Napsal : 01/02/2018 5:38 am
Rich Thompson
Active Member
Re: Print Fan error

Chat or email support, you have a bad wire on your print fan. I had a similar issue and a new fan (with the requisite wiring) resolved it.

Napsal : 01/02/2018 6:33 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print Fan error

Funny, I had two fan errors in the last two days... For me it happens right at the transition from first layer to second.

Napsal : 01/02/2018 7:14 pm
Active Member
Re: Print Fan error

Same for me, I had fan errors in the last two days too.

I don't know if the problems are related. I had a crash yesterday that happened when the wire from the bed got caught by the orange Y axis support below the bed. After this incident I am getting "Print fan error" messages right after the first layer of the raft is done.

I checked both ends of the print fan wires with a multi-meter and they were fine. I know the wires can stop working when in movement, but I don't think this is happening, because they look fine and I think only the bed wires were affected by the crash.

I ran the calibration wizard again to check if the problem would stop, but it still happens on the same point of the print.

I am considering opening a ticket to solve this issue, but I am waiting for a simpler solution pop up at the forum if more people come across the same problem. (since I don't think my wire was damaged)

Napsal : 02/02/2018 2:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print Fan error

I sent an email and some pictures to customer service to see if I can have a replacement fan since this happened after one week that I received my printer but i still haven’t got any answer.
I can only print the first layer too after that the printer stop

Napsal : 05/02/2018 8:20 pm
Active Member
Re: Print Fan error

Yes, I'm seeing the same error consistently on two different files, always at the moment that the second layer starts. In S3D, I have the printer fan at 0 for the first layer, than 100 for the second layer. So I assume that jump from 0 to 100% is the trigger, although I don't see the error for every print that uses these settings. The only commonality I can see between the failing prints that's distinguishing from prints that succeed is that the failing ones have large raft first layers.

Here's one print that has failed 2 out of 2 attempts:

Napsal : 07/02/2018 6:46 pm
Active Member
Re: Print Fan error

Ok, so attached is some gcode that fails every time with an "ERR: Print Fan Error" message.

To create this test file, I took the failing STL ( ), sliced it in S3D, then removed all but the first two layers. It's now only 40K in size. The printer settings are PLA 215°/60°. It fails as the moment it starts the second layer.

My MK3 has the latest firmware, 3.1.1-201.

If you're reading this, please give it a try and let us know if it fails for you.

Napsal : 09/02/2018 6:13 am
Reputable Member
Re: Print Fan error

I had a similar problem. I troubleshot it to a broken wire in the harness going to the fan just after it came out of the extruder assembly. I cut the wire and spliced a new one in. I hooked up a DVM and wiggle the harness by driving it back and forth until I found the wire that was broken. In the meantime I cantacted Prusa and they were more than willing to send me a new fan. I think I am good for now so I won't bother. I will let them save their money for a new design in the MK4

Napsal : 09/02/2018 6:20 am
New Member
Re: Print Fan error

Funny, I had two fan errors in the last two days... For me it happens right at the transition from first layer to second.

Exactly the same issue I am experiencing. In my case Printing PETG, transition from first to second layer when the print fan comes on causes the error.

Funny though, the print fan does indeed come on.


Napsal : 09/02/2018 3:56 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Print Fan error

Funny, I had two fan errors in the last two days... For me it happens right at the transition from first layer to second.

Exactly the same issue I am experiencing. In my case Printing PETG, transition from first to second layer when the print fan comes on causes the error.

Funny though, the print fan does indeed come on.


So that could imply that the sense wire is broken?

Napsal : 09/02/2018 4:14 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print Fan error

I had this a couple of times, the bearings in my fan are failing and I'm awaiting a replacement.

You can push the knob in and the print will try to resume. This has saved some of my layer 1's whilst I await UPS.

Napsal : 09/02/2018 5:13 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print Fan error

Funny, I had two fan errors in the last two days... For me it happens right at the transition from first layer to second.

Exactly the same issue I am experiencing. In my case Printing PETG, transition from first to second layer when the print fan comes on causes the error.

Funny though, the print fan does indeed come on.


So that could imply that the sense wire is broken?

I'm starting to think it may be the bearings as well. I've not had an issue since but the other day my fan was a bit noisy, I adjusted the speed all of the way down then brought it back up and it's been fine since. For $6 I think I'll order a spare when the new spring steel sheets are available.

Napsal : 09/02/2018 7:43 pm
New Member
Re: Print Fan error

I do all my slicing in Simplify3D. I never had a fan error when printing PLA, however I have consistent fan errors with PET-G.

I noticed that in my FFF profile (which is the Prusa supplied FFF) that the fan speed transition in PLA is 0% - 100% on as you move to the second layer.
For PETG it was 0% - 50% however, in both cases the check-box: 'Blip fan to full power when increasing from idle' was checked. See below.

Unchecking the box for PETG and printing again allows the transition from layer 1 to layer 2 with no problems.

I'll print a few more times to make sure its not just a fluke. If you use Simplify3D and have the same fan error problem see if this works for you also.


Napsal : 09/02/2018 10:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print Fan error

Finally my problem has been fix,i received a replacement fan and it worked without having any error after I tried many things to fixed

Napsal : 09/02/2018 11:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print Fan error

My print fan has failed also... Started with errors but the fan appeared to be spinning just fine. So I cancelled the check for a couple prints. After the second print, the fan spins sporatically but not very often and for only a few seconds. I think mine is related to a short in the power wires.

Waiting a response to my email with a video proving that I am having a problem. I suspect they will send a new one. I will also likely order a few more when the coated PEI sheets come up for sale.

Anyone now of another good source for these fans? I assume they are 24v, three wire. Do all 3 wire fans mean it has an RPM report? I also worry about getting one that is as quite as the stock fan.

Napsal : 24/02/2018 6:33 am
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Re: Print Fan error

Well my fan started giving problems yesterday. First time it failed it got to 41mm in a 53mm print. Wiggling the wires enabled it to spin up again but it is reporting fan errors even if the fan is still going.

Like one of the other posters mentioned I will keep running as is till the coated sheets become available and order a replacement fan then as I can seem to find a local source for fan replacement. Then as I will have a spare fan I will try to track down the breaks in the leads and fix them as part of a wiring harness project I am thinking of which involves local termination of the leads in the extruder assembly for easy maintenance and a single pluggable cable from the extruder carriage to the RAMBO box. This should make it easy to remove the extruder assembly as a complete unit from the carriage for maintenance without having to unbundle the cable first.

Martin Wolfe

Napsal : 24/02/2018 6:09 pm
New Member
Re: Print Fan error

i had the same problem after around 2 weeks of printing ...

looks like the cables are just shit , so i replaced the cables and since then i had no problem again

Napsal : 25/02/2018 9:59 pm
Honza K. se líbí
Honza K.
Eminent Member
RE: Print Fan error


a bit old thread but the problem remain. I encountered the same problem now. The cables starts to break one after the other. Three days ago repaired fax cable, day after bed temp. cable. Three day after - problems with Pinda cable...

Can you tell what is total running time of your printer to the first problems? (Statistic menu). Printer I have is cca 2 years old but it seems that all the cables are already gone... waiting to be replaced. I know - really important is how well the cables are tigted together and led out - not to be bended in one point, but still I would like to know the running time to the first problems...


I wonder How Průša solve this problem at their printer farm? 500 printers printing 24/7 ??? It has to be a huge problem for them...

This post was modified před 5 years 2 times by Honza K.
Napsal : 16/05/2020 3:41 pm