Re: Please help can't calibrate won't auto home SOLVED
issue solved, user error. if you look at the videos you will notice how low the hot end is in relation to the fan.
Basically during the build it must have slipped down from its origional position and ended up far to low. So after tightening the axis wasnt getting full travel down to the bed.
The best tip i can give you is dont build at 2am when your tired.
Re: Please help can't calibrate won't auto home
Can you post a picture please Matthew? I built mine roughly the same time. 😀
In any case, even without auto home on the Y calibration, I am printing, no real comparisons as this my first printer but WOW, lovin'it!
Re: Please help can't calibrate won't auto home
I had the same issue. Turns out the problem was that I attached the spool holder backwards. When the printer moved the z-axis all the way up, it bumped against the spool holder. Because the MK3 doesn't have endstops, but relies on bumping against things to detect the end of an axis, it didn't move all the way up, and when it moved the head back down, encountered the bed sooner than expected, resulting in calibration failure.