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Over Extrusion or Something Else  

Honorable Member
Over Extrusion or Something Else

Printed my first big project after resolving a filament being stuck and having some issues I didn't have before. The walls are not as smooth as they were in my first prints of a benchy and Adalinda.
Is this a sign of over extrusion? When I put the extruder back together I had to complete a few Z calibrations to get it to where it prints well.
Looking at the walls you see the unevenness of not being flat and smooth. It was a lot smoother before.

The arrows I've entered show the imperfections. What changes need to be made to make s smoother surface?
I did notice the front right corner lifting during the print. I've seen this before with the posts and happens with larger projects.

Opublikowany : 05/04/2018 1:06 am
Estimable Member
Re: Over Extrusion or Something Else

It looks to be perfectly in line with your infill pattern. You could try another external perimeter and/or slower external perimeters and/or reducing your infill/perimeters overlap in Slic3r.

Opublikowany : 05/04/2018 1:13 am