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Octoprint for newbies  

Estimable Member
Octoprint for newbies

Hi guys,

I am not a technical person and have been searching around trying to find some very basic info on Octoprint for the MK3, specifically what hardware is required and how does it connect to the new Einsy board - is soldering required, will it just plug in, what leads are required etc.

My new MK3 is on order so I want to have the parts ordered and ready for when it arrives.

Is this the board I need?:

What else is required?



Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 2:52 am
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

Yes that board looks correct.

I think you will need to solder male pin headers on the Raspberry Pi 0 W to interface with the through board receiving header of the Einsy board...I think... there is not a lot of clear information on the topic ATM. Mostly inferences from photos and threads on the topic...which is unfortunate. As I would love to be able to Know I have everything ready while we it is technically a indeterminate amount of time...but it is getting Very close now!

Might want to pick up a camera at the same time and a long enough FFC cable, which is special in that each end typically interfaces with a different standard, one side typically being the 15 pin 1.0pitch to the camera, the other the 22 pin to the RP0W.

Here we are able to pick the RP0W up for ~$10US, some places even ship free, knowing what little I do about AUS, they are probably able to ask a premium...

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 3:34 am
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

Yes that's the board. You can get either pi zero, but for the extra $$$ the w is worth it. When comparing the zero to the regular pi 3, the pi 3 is a better deal, except in this scenario. Normally you need adapters for the zero that makes the price rise. With the mk3/Octopi combo you don't need those adapters, just the pins you need to solder on. The power will be drawn for the einsy board and you don't need a monitor/hdmi since there is no display output.

I made a video for how to set these up in windows and mac and the general process will be the same to set it up when the day comes. I'll do another tutorial on the mk3 when that day comes.

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 3:59 am
Honorable Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

How big an SD do people use? I imagine capturing viedo takes a bit of space sio i am thinking of going 32GB

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 11:28 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

I just bought a 32GB class 10 for $10 on Amazon. Even if all of that space is not utilized, having the extra space will allow wear leveling to extend the life of the card. In the end, a few bucks for a nice SD card is a small cost considering the investment in the printer.

Side question, having never used OctoPrint, does it actual take video or just a series of photos to produce a time-lapse video? That will greatly affect how much space is needed and what SD card should be purchased.

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 11:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

OctoPrint will automaticly generate a timelapse video after every print, if you set this option.
But take care!
The RP0W will take some time to render the video. It is not a very fast computer and it is not recommented to start a new print untill the rendering process is finished.

a 15 sec video (1h printtime, 1picture every 10 sec., 25frames) take around 10mb of space.

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2017 11:08 am
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint for newbies

Watch this video. Raspberry Pi Zero/W (wireless), 32Gb SD card, original Pi V2 1080p board camera.

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Veröffentlicht : 01/12/2017 3:56 am