Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video
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Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video  

Eminent Member
Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

Now the printer is making this noise. It's not coming from the power supply unit like the other noise is. Can anyone tell me what it is and if I need to be worried about it?


Posted : 07/03/2018 6:42 am
Reputable Member
Re: Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

Which sound are you referring to? I hear three distinct sounds:

1) Blower fan - sounds okay, maybe a bit louder than normal.
2) Y-axis movement- really sounds loud, suspect because it gets more 'grindy' as the bed moves forward.
3) Some other unidentifiable sound- is this the sound you are referring to?

Posted : 07/03/2018 8:20 am
Eminent Member
Re: Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

I referring to the Y axis movement,
Which sound are you referring to? I hear three distinct sounds:

1) Blower fan - sounds okay, maybe a bit louder than normal.
2) Y-axis movement- really sounds loud, suspect because it gets more 'grindy' as the bed moves forward.
3) Some other unidentifiable sound- is this the sound you are referring to?

I'd guess point 2 is the one, as its the most strange one 😉 In my opinion the provided LM8UU bearings are not the best ones. During the assembly i put some industrial grade bearing grease inside and slid the a bit on the rod to spread it before assembling.

It sure sounds grindy. check if the U-mount that hold the bearings are not to tight, and check the alignment of the Y-rods. Maybe loosen the Y-axis rod holder, move the bed forward, and re-tighten them carefully. Check the belt alignment if it rubs somewhere.

Only suggestions that could possibly help. Last thing: Change the bearings. Eventually contact the support to get replacements.


Posted : 07/03/2018 9:32 am
Estimable Member
Re: Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

It sounds to me like the belt is too tight and a bit stretched causing the belt teeth to NOT match up with the drive pulley teeth.

Check your belt tension.

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Posted : 07/03/2018 1:12 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

It sounds to me like the belt is too tight and a bit stretched causing the belt teeth to NOT match up with the drive pulley teeth.

Check your belt tension.

good point !

Posted : 07/03/2018 1:16 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Now it's making a new noise from a different location Video

It sounds to me like the belt is too tight and a bit stretched causing the belt teeth to NOT match up with the drive pulley teeth.

Check your belt tension.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Am I going to have to go find the downloadable manual and take everything apart to fix something like this?

Posted : 07/03/2018 8:20 pm