Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?
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Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?  

Trusted Member
Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?

Been really enjoying my MK3. The prints it makes are pretty fantastic. There have been a few problems here and there, but the community has really come together to help me solve them.

Here's my latest... problem? I'm not sure if its a problem or not, as this is my first 3D printer. Maybe this is just normal?

I seem to be noticing that, when the nozzle lifts and moves to a different part of the print, it leaves behind a divot or "pressed down" dent.
I could imagine seeing a bump or zit, as the nozzle lifts... with left over material. But what I am seeing is almost like... the nozzle is pressing down on the print, and smearing it.

For example, here is the A in the Prusa logo:

And the R/U in the Prusa logo:

I printed a fidget cube not too long ago... and you can see where the nozzle lifts before a move. It's very obvious.

It's hard to tell from the pictures... but the circled areas are actually pressed down slightly... smeared, creating a small divot.

Is this normal? Is there a setting to tweak this? Or is it a hardware problem? Thanks guys!

Opublikowany : 04/01/2018 2:29 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?

My guess is that is where the nozzle pauses for a moment. If it is then the nozzle pausing would apply heat for a longer period and cause some extra softening of the previous filament and a bit of sinkage and displacement. I "think" it can be improved in slicer settings somewhere but, like you I am still learning this stuff.

Just a guess,


Opublikowany : 04/01/2018 2:41 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?

It looks like a tad bit of overextrusion. Did you download the new Slic3r and drivers from the stickied post from last night? If not try that out and see if it fixes your issue.

Opublikowany : 04/01/2018 2:46 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?

Yes it does look like overextrusion to me as well. Upgrading Slic3r PE alone does not reset the profiles. You have to do that from the help menu. After you reset your profiles, calibrate your extrusion multiplier and see if the problem persists. My top layers are nearly as smooth as the bottom layers after getting settings dialed in.

Opublikowany : 04/01/2018 6:40 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Noob question: Divots / Indent / Splotches on nozzle lift?

Try lowering the extrusion multiplier about 5 percent

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 04/01/2018 7:19 pm