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Non-functional left Z motor  

Active Member
Non-functional left Z motor

Left Z motor is not working at all. Doesn't even vibrate when its supposed to be powered. polarity of power and motor connection checked. Drive shaft of motor is very hard to turn by hand compared to the right Z motor. wont pass the self test. Can anyone think of anything that I can check? I must say that I am really unimpressed with the quality of the product so far and will not be recommending it to my youtube channel or friends and family. I have already had to request Z-Axis Bottom right part as I received to lefts in the kit; The bottom hinge of the power box also seems to be missing.

Posted : 01/01/2018 1:28 am
Trusted Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Matthew. Ok so a single item is broken. Shit happens, its the first mentrion of a non functional motor. Please do contact Prusa support (via chat window is quickest)

Posted : 01/01/2018 12:36 pm
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Matthew. Ok so a single item is broken. Shit happens, its the first mentrion of a non functional motor. Please do contact Prusa support (via chat window is quickest)

In all fairness, it’s more than a single item, he mentions 3. I wouldn’t be happy if I got two left hand parts either. Prevents you from assembling and operating the printer. In my opinion that’s a big screw up.

Posted : 01/01/2018 3:11 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Frank, this is not the first issues I have had. I ordered the I3 MK2S kit on September 19, 2017. Three days later, I think, they released the I3 MK3 and the kit that I just purchased was $100.00 cheaper. Of course I wanted the new printer as it was basically ($49 more) the same price that i paid for the old printer. It took 14 emails and messages to get this resolved. My anticipation for the new printer kit was high so I was thrilled when I got the printer on December 26. I got started on the build right away and at about 11:30 pm discovered that I would not be able to continue because I was giver to of the same parts. PRUSA was very responsive after i got in touch with the chat service. Before that I had sent and email and placed a message on my order both with no response. A week later I received the missing part and was able to resume the build. Then I discovered that I was lower hinge for the power box. This was no big concern I thought would just print another one out once the printer was up and running. Finally the printer was completed. I plugged it in and attempted to run the self test and ran into numerous problems one was my fault as I had the Z axis motor pulley reversed causing the belt to rub the frame and give a belt length error. once that was fixed the self test proceeded until it tried to home the Z axis to the bed. the right motor was working as I could see the carriage working. on the right but the left was not working and was making a low soft grinding noise. I checked the forum and most of the answers said that it was probably binding so I disassembled the left z axis frame and holder and removed the guiding rod. still no go. This is my first 3D printer, I wanted to build the kit so that I would better understand how the printer worked and how better to repair it when things go wrong. My disappointment lies not in the printer or the print quality as i have not been able to print anything with the printer, but with the quality checks done on the printer before it was shipped out. I do not know if quality control on this printer is better or worse then others but I can say as someone who has been waiting patiently for the printer to arrive that theses issues are a real bummer. What I should have said is that I will not be able to recommend the kit to my youtube channel, friends and family. For most people it would probably be a great printer if they bought it fully assembled and tested as all of the issue I had hopefully would have been discovered before it was shipped. I will of course contact support and im sure that after several attempts at contact they will send me a new Z motor but it is just another unnecessary delay. I feel these issues would have been eliminated with a little better quality control; in the long run this would result in happier customers and better reviews.

Posted : 01/01/2018 3:54 pm
New Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

I have 'non funtional left Z motor' too when I assemble my kit.

I checked if the Z screw cover is too tight and loosen it a bit.

Voila, Z motor is working like normal and Z homing without problem

Posted : 03/01/2018 6:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Update - it was the hex nut in the X axis housing. Support said nothing could be done 😥 They did send out two new hex nuts. Just had to wait a few extra days to complete the build. All is good now printed the PRUSA logo last night. Even tho it was so small it was awesome to see the machine create something (sorry for all you pro's. This is my first 3d printer and my first kit build.) 😀

Posted : 06/01/2018 5:48 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Just curious, but what is the purpose of the plastic cone covers on the stepper motor lead screws?

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Posted : 07/01/2018 12:10 am
Reputable Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

Essentially dust covers- keep junk from dropping into the motor shaft output and ruin bearings/motor.

Posted : 07/01/2018 1:36 am
Estimable Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

They need swirls painted on them!

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Posted : 07/01/2018 1:39 am
Joshua Christman
New Member
Re: Non-functional left Z motor

I seem to have a similar issue, but with the right motor. Any ideas if loosening the dust cover part did nothing to alleviate resistance to turning?

Posted : 23/02/2018 5:44 pm