Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?
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Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?  

Honorable Member
Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I currently have a Printrbot and am exclusively a PLA user..

I did add a heated bed and tried ABS, but soon gave up as the bed never got hot enough.

And to be honest, for my needs PLA is fine and I have never looked at other materials.

I am currently building my MK3 and already want to print a couple of parts... And also I read the update yesturday about the new X axis parts, so want to be prepared for this..

I beleive the material used by Prusa is PETG.. So I guess I just need to source a reel of that I am will be sorted.. Anything else I need to conisder?

Napsal : 23/01/2018 10:38 am
Honorable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I heard on facebook from a Prusa employee that the MK2.5 update will be delivered with ABS.

And that Prusa prints with PETG only to be able to print the parts faster. So my guess is that it is totally fine to print with ABS or PETG.

The extruder has to be printed black (because of the filament sensor).

The fan shroud has to be ABS.

Napsal : 23/01/2018 12:50 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I heard on facebook from a Prusa employee that the MK2.5 update will be delivered with ABS.

And that Prusa prints with PETG only to be able to print the parts faster. So my guess is that it is totally fine to print with ABS or PETG.

The extruder has to be printed black (because of the filament sensor).

The fan shroud has to be ABS.

I have a roll of ABS, so perhaps I should try that before investing in PETG. That said, I heard that ABS doesn't store very well and absorbs moisture.. So even though its been in a warm dry environment.. And then of course, I assume PETG is easier to print than ABS.. So perhaps I should just get a roll of PETG and be done with it?

Thanks for the info... I am not entirly happy knowing that i am going to build my X-Axis.. Assemble the printer and then print a new set of parts, and have to take it all appart again (i know no-one is forcing me).. But I guess this is all part of the "fun"?

Napsal : 23/01/2018 12:54 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I still need to swap out all rods and bearings.

I also have the problem with the wiggly belt on X axis so I am eagerly waiting for the new parts - I hope we are talking about days or only a few weeks - not months until the new parts are released.

Because taking off the extruder and so on multiple times is not only not fun, I think the chances to break something during disassembly, reassembly is not nil.

I found out that is the producer of the filament that Prusa sells. I can only guess that they might also produce the parts with this filament?

But there seems to not be a distributor in the UK. But maybe you can save somehow on shipping costs when not ordering from Prusa directly. Just in case you thought about this - there are options.

Napsal : 23/01/2018 1:05 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

The only thing to be careful of with ABS is shrinkage. I know when I’ve printed precisely sized parts in ABS before I had to upsize them (1%?). Be prepared to print a test part, have it not quite line up with the original, then calculate the ratio, reslice bigger and print again.

I haven’t had that issue with PETG, which prints/adheres ❓ much easier than ABS for me. ESUN petg can be purchased for $20-30 on amazon.

Napsal : 23/01/2018 1:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I am not sure if I understand your first post correctly, just to make sure, PLA is not suitable for printer parts.
Mechanically and thermally, ABS should actually be the better choice for the parts compared to PETG, but PETG is printing really nice and without the odors of ABS.

I got PETG from Prusa with the kit, and at the same time got some PETG from Hobbyking as well.
I already used up the whole 1kg roll of HK PETG and it prints very well, and has a slightly transparent white color which looks really nice and makes the parts look a bit smoother overall.
I started printing with the white Prusa PETG as well, and it also prints well, but the much higher pigmentation seems to make it look rougher, even though I think the actual surface quality is the same as the HK PETG.

I also tried ABS for a small part. The print turned out well, but the smell during printing was really not pleasant, so I am not too keen on printing with it again.

One tip: PETG is a little sensitive to first layer height - but once you got that right it sticks very well during print and after the bed cooled down it comes off easily! I really like that material!

Napsal : 23/01/2018 1:39 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I am not sure if I understand your first post correctly, just to make sure, PLA is not suitable for printer parts.

That was my point.. I currently only have PLA and the experience to print PLA.. ABS does not print on my Printer (Printrbot) and have never tried PETG.

I want the have the facility to print PETG, just for upgraded Prusa parts, so was just asking whether i should continue with ABS (which I already have).. Or move over to PETG.

Napsal : 23/01/2018 3:11 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I was hoping to find some ESUN PETG in the UK but can't and there isn't much around in 1.75mm black.

But I found this, which is a little cheap for my taste, but figured I would have a punt

Napsal : 23/01/2018 3:26 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I have many rolls of Real filament from Amazon UK including black. Recommended.


Napsal : 23/01/2018 3:33 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

Oh yes.. I just thought.. What infill should they be printed as.. As many are structural and there is no limit to time or cost.. Would 100% be perfereable to make them solid.. Or is there a reason to make them with less in-fill (perhaps weight?)

Napsal : 23/01/2018 4:33 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

20% infill is probably fine. Generally, extra shells will add more strength than more infill.

I struggled getting PETG to print on the Maker Select V2, but the MK3 prints it just as well as PLA! Even better in some cases. I am adding a lot more PETG to my stock right now.

One minor tweak I have encountered when switching between PLA and PETG is that the PETG likes an extra .1mm on the initial layer. So if I slice with Prusa Control, I have to add it in the Live Z Height, but in Slic3r PE, just bump initial layer to .3mm.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 10:52 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

20% infill is probably fine. Generally, extra shells will add more strength than more infill.

I struggled getting PETG to print on the Maker Select V2, but the MK3 prints it just as well as PLA! Even better in some cases. I am adding a lot more PETG to my stock right now.

One minor tweak I have encountered when switching between PLA and PETG is that the PETG likes an extra .1mm on the initial layer. So if I slice with Prusa Control, I have to add it in the Live Z Height, but in Slic3r PE, just bump initial layer to .3mm.

Cheers.. Got some PETG coming tomorrow.. If I can get it printing on my aging Printrbot and confirm the accuracy I will use that to make the upgraded parts before/during the build of my MK3.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 11:31 am
Honorable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I was communicating with Prusa about how to print the parts: just use default slic3r Prusa Edition settings. That is the official claim.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 11:37 am
Trusted Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

The defaults are pretty darn good!

I was communicating with Prusa about how to print the parts: just use default slic3r Prusa Edition settings. That is the official claim.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 1:03 pm
New Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

Anyone thought of printing the parts in CPE HG100?
It seems to have quite a few advantages over PETG whilst still being odour free.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 2:36 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

The defaults are pretty darn good!

I was communicating with Prusa about how to print the parts: just use default slic3r Prusa Edition settings. That is the official claim.

No doubt!

Napsal : 24/01/2018 3:05 pm
Christopher Lee
Eminent Member
Re: Need to print new parts.. Do I need PETG?

I would say it depends on the part and/or PLA. I think its a common misconception not to print in PLA for parts. As long as its not near anything hot, and you use high infill you should be fine. Coming from an anet, and their huge community, many people print braces and frame parts in PLA and they work fine and are 100% rock solid. I use protopasta carbon fiber PLA for parts, as it doesnt have the give or flex that most PLA has. It is a lot more solid and has no flex to it. It prints just like PLA as well, it is just more difficult to handle as it is brittle in raw form.

Napsal : 24/01/2018 3:14 pm