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MK3 Recieved  

Jim Cook
Trusted Member
MK3 Recieved

My MK3 came just before Christmas. A Christmas present from me to me! 😉
It went together well. The packaging, instructions and stuff is fantastic! The kit went together without a single problem.
I plugged it in, and it worked the first time!!!! It's quiet and smooth.
I went through the calibration and printed the "Prusa" sign and "Benchy".

I'm very impressed with everything about this machine.

Thank you very much Josef Prusa and all your company elves that produced what must be the industry standard.

Is there an instruction sheet explaining how to update the firmware?

Postato : 26/12/2017 10:52 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 Recieved

My MK3 came just before Christmas. A Christmas present from me to me! 😉
It went together well. The packaging, instructions and stuff is fantastic! The kit went together without a single problem.
I plugged it in, and it worked the first time!!!! It's quiet and smooth.
I went through the calibration and printed the "Prusa" sign and "Benchy".

I'm very impressed with everything about this machine.

Thank you very much Josef Prusa and all your company elves that produced what must be the industry standard.

Is there an instruction sheet explaining how to update the firmware?
1) Download the firmware there.
2) Connect your printer via usb to your computer.
3) Use the program firmware updater from the driver installation package (re-install it if you didn't).
4) Select the port from the drop down (you may have to try multiple ports until you get the one your printer is on... mine was com3).
5) Unzip the firmware file. you will see a .bin file. Select that file from the firmware updater program.
6) Click update
7) Wait until it finishes (there will be a progress bar on the display on the prusa).
8) Profit.

Postato : 27/12/2017 2:20 am
Jim Cook
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3 Recieved

Thank you very much andrew. I just did it and it worked. Easy. 😀

Postato : 27/12/2017 2:24 am