MK3 new filament spool holder?
Has anyone else had the new spool holder break? I can just print a new one no big deal but was just wondering
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Yep, broke it trying to get it onto the frame, cracked half way through.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I used the one piece one, and managed to get it on without breaking. Tight fit, though.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Did not brake - did you push it on the top from front to back like manual shows? For me that move seems very counter intuitive but leads to success.
You could practice before with the other molded holder (which is stronger so will not brake as easily). At first it seems impossible to fit. But if you do it right as described in the manual it works!
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Mine didn't break but I am not overly impressed with it. Rolls of filament 'walk' during printing down to the open end - and then visibly bounce around due to the holder plastic bending and acting like a spring. Can't be doing much for frame stability. I will be replacing it ASAP.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Mine cracked immediately when installing. I should have been more careful I suppose, but wasn't expecting it to be so weak at the point of installation. I am using the older molded design for now, but not super impressed with either of them. Scouting around for other solutions.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
You could try this one:
Flexing is about the same, but it is easier to mount/dismount.
Have a look at my models on 😉
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I still think putting the spool on top of the printer isn't the best choice. I have been using out board spooling for a year with zero problems. There are a million designs out there but I like simplicity:
You can build multiple skates and have extra spools staged and ready to go (think multi-color prints) and just swap the filament when ready without moving spools.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I still think putting the spool on top of the printer isn't the best choice. I have been using out board spooling for a year with zero problems. There are a million designs out there but I like simplicity:
You can build multiple skates and have extra spools staged and ready to go (think multi-color prints) and just swap the filament when ready without moving spools.
Since someone (Bigdogbro1) reminded me to get the spool off the printer i can cleary see the frame much more stable..
I've been using this two.... they work like a charm! The first i have been using with my other printer for quite some time without a problem. The second one seemed more sturdy so i decided to give it a try.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Snapped the bottom off of my printed one also. No way it was going to fit!
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I also find the original spool holders surprisingly dysfunctional.
Maybe this design would be helpful:
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Im using this for my MK2S, works very well.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
It breaks my heart to go through finite calibration to the .00 mm and then twist the crap out of the frame mounting and removing filament spools ? Not to mention that big spool vibrating around up there during those tight jittery moves...#removethespool
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
i didn't like the new spool holder on the MK3 either, i have many spools that are mini size and won't fit over the handle type of holder it has.
so i made my own with a printed Bearing 🙂
it allows me to use large spools and then i can either remove the bearings or use a dowel for my mini spools.
i like that it is supported on both sides like the old way as well. i reused the old prusa STL files for the MK1 and then modified them as needed.
I don't like those spool holders that ride on the spool sides with 4 bearings as i had them tip over one time and cause some damage with another printer.
since i control the tolerance i made them easy to pop on and off and slide on the frame left and right. This older type of holder also holds the spool on the center of gravity where the handle type MK3 will hold it bottom heavy and then cause Chugging of the filament going into the extruder.
“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forumsâ€
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I made a few of these
Came out great and allows me to put desecant in them for my PETG.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
I made a few of these
Came out great and allows me to put desecant in them for my PETG.
Just curious.......what was your total print time for 1 of these?
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Maybe 24 hours or so on the mk3 at least that is with my print settings. I printed the first one on a MK2S so that took allot longer. I was using a MK2 profile at the time so I am pretty sure I can print it faster. That was also at 2.0. I just started the print and went on with my day so I was not really paying much attention to the time because it was something that met a need.
Needed a good off frame spool holder and storage system. This one was really well designed.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Like many others, I managed to break the dual spool holder that came with the MK3, mostly because I wasn't careful and didn't read the part in the handbook that said how to put pressure on it. I printed the one that you can download on PRUSA's website, model B4. When done, I was fearful I wouldn't be able to put it on without breaking especially after reading posts here. I was careful, took a piece of wood as someone suggested, and it actually worked. Now, I have no idea how I'll remove it without breaking it, but it's on very solid for the time being.
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
If by new one we are talking about the injection molded one, that's the one I got and I've had no issues with it. In fact I think the design is impressive in that it stays firmly locked on and doesn't skid, yet I can just push the bottom flange and it pops right off.
I had tangling problems early on from the filament going backwards and then sliding underneath itself, which led me to find a spool guide, and then later I put a filament filter inline, and now things run just about as good as I could ever hope for. Ultimately I dream of the day I have all manner of spools in some sort of dry box out of the way, but in the mean time I'm able to crank out unattended prints faster a prairie fire with a tail wind! (filter) (guide)
Re: MK3 new filament spool holder?
Are you sure that it is injection molded?
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