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MK3 footprint?
Does anyone know what the MK3's footprint (including movement of the print surface will be? I'm planning to kill time waiting for its arrival by building a shelf for it in my workshop.
Publié : 01/11/2017 7:11 pm
Re: MK3 footprint?
I asked Prusa support this shortly after the announcement and was largely told "we don't know yet" - but I'd like to know too so I can make sure my unit is large enough/extend it as needed ahead of its arrival! 🙂
Publié : 02/11/2017 11:36 pm
Re: MK3 footprint?
I asked the same question a couple weeks ago for a similar reason. No real answer.
Publié : 03/11/2017 12:18 am
Re: MK3 footprint?
If I remember correct, "Printer dimensions : 42 x 42 x 38 cm 6.5 kg (same as mk2s) but you should place it in to an empty space of W:45 D:55 H:60 cm" said live chat support guy.
Publié : 03/11/2017 7:42 am