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Loud Z-axis hopping sound  

Estimable Member
Loud Z-axis hopping sound

My MK3 has loud z hopping sound.

It is not a big deal but it becomes the noisiest sound during printing, louder than the motors and the fans.
And I notice that the z axis movement noise is louder when doing mesh leveling on the front row of the heat bed, it is much quieter when mesh leveling the back row. Interesting...

Any idea? I am thinking of some mismatch between the two Z motors but I don't know how to go further.

Napsal : 22/03/2018 10:49 am
Honorable Member
Re: Loud Z-axis hopping sound

How much print time do you have? My Z axis, specifically the right side made ALL KINDS of annoying sounds. The printer has just kept getting quieter and quieter though. It makes virtually ZERO Z axis sounds now. It actually woke me up once they were so bad.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Napsal : 22/03/2018 11:06 am