If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?
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If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?  

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Estimable Member
If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I will.

I am too lazy and too busy to set up one for myself.

But at what price is fair? I have no idea.... any suggestion?

Respondido : 12/01/2018 6:06 am
Honorable Member
Re: If Prusa sells Octoprint module, will you buy?

Buying Raspberry Pis in bulk is a nightmare and Jo said on previous interviews that he's not interested. I know you said you're lazy but it's just a matter of burning your SD card and plugging it into the Pi, simple stuff.

Price would depend on the seller. $10 for a Pi0w (depends on what part of the world you're from, I get them for $5). Cost of the SD card and labor. You could also run into a gray licensing area when it comes to selling something with someone else's software.

Respondido : 12/01/2018 6:35 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: If Prusa sells Octoprint module, will you buy?

Buying Raspberry Pis in bulk is a nightmare and Jo said on previous interviews that he's not interested. I know you said you're lazy but it's just a matter of burning your SD card and plugging it into the Pi, simple stuff.

Price would depend on the seller. $10 for a Pi0w (depends on what part of the world you're from, I get them for $5). Cost of the SD card and labor. You could also run into a gray licensing area when it comes to selling something with someone else's software.

Yes, buying a RP, burning SD, etc I can do. What I concern are the things that follow. Testing, troubleshooting.....
In fact I think Mk3 should have built-in Octoprint funciton, or at least as an optional upgrade.

I won't insist on using RP as long as the purpose of remote control can be achieved. IMHO, RP is just a bit overkill if wifi control +/- camera is the only function we need (I might be wrong, I am not an electronic guy). I concur with your concern about license. But as I said, we don't need to bound ourself inside the RP framework, not even Octoprint. Something Octoprint-like suffices. (oh, perphaps I should modify the topic...)

Respondido : 12/01/2018 7:07 am
Trusted Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Thing is, Octoprint is open source. So there is always going to be up stream things to deal with. While Prusa could hack the crude out of it and redistribute it, It will always be taking lots of other outside needs into consideration, so it would always be a bit generic. Now Prusa HAS already gone ahead and put together their own distribution that has all the settings in place, so you can go ahead and flash, add wifi settings and go.

As long as they use Octoprint, I would prefer to do it myself. This leaves me options to change it up how I want. I don't have to use a RPi Zero, I can use a RPi 3 if I want to do something more demanding, such as slicing on the RPi. Although, I would guess most people would prefer to futz with a slicer on a computer, and not just leave it to an automated slicer. So really you are just gaining a wifi connection.

Beyond that, I would much rather they focus on making the hardware and firmware as perfect as possible, while keeping the machine on the more affordable side. Adding in their own software, if not Octoprint, would open up a can of worms, requiring more resources, and staff. I was ecstatic just hearing Prusa was embracing Octoprint.

Respondido : 12/01/2018 11:18 am
The Plastic Shed
Estimable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I'd be more likely to pay a little extra for a decent 'remote' touch screen (I think the LCD is well past its sell by)- one that doesn't need to be sitting on the printer but I think it may need some thought to stop it nullifying the ability to shutdown and resume on power loss (not that we get power loss that often), actually plan to build one from an older tablet but too busy with other things right now.

Respondido : 12/01/2018 2:25 pm
Estimable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Did Prusa get the Pi Zero W working correctly yet?

I just want to Wifi over the 3D file to print and to have a Pi camera for timelapse and monitor on my phone.

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Respondido : 12/01/2018 8:34 pm
Trusted Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Did Prusa get the Pi Zero W working correctly yet?

I just want to Wifi over the 3D file to print and to have a Pi camera for timelapse and monitor on my phone.

Ditto here on the Wi-Fi. I keep having to clean the contacts of my SD card every 6 months or so on my MK2 and don't want to wear out the contacts on my MK3 when it gets here.

Respondido : 12/01/2018 8:55 pm
Famed Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I am a bit concerned because of all the informations around problems with octoprint.
That is why i decided to get a toshiba FlashAir SD Card.
It arrived today and works just perfekt.
Even sending new Profiles to my rc transmitter works.
Now i´m looking forward to get my MK3. 😀

Wer freundlich fragt bekommt auch eine freundliche Antwort.
nec aspera terrent

Respondido : 12/01/2018 10:25 pm
Eminent Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Problem with out of the box solutions is that they cost 10x the price of the base materials. so you can go buy a PI with a camera on amazon for 55$ and spend an hour or 3 learning and setting it up, or you can ask around and someone here would probably ship you one preconfigured for 400$ worth of cryptocurrency

I would not buy one premade, I would rather save 350$ for filament and learn about Raspberry PI

Respondido : 12/01/2018 11:56 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Did Prusa get the Pi Zero W working correctly yet?

I just want to Wifi over the 3D file to print and to have a Pi camera for timelapse and monitor on my phone.


Respondido : 13/01/2018 5:44 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I am a bit concerned because of all the informations around problems with octoprint.
That is why i decided to get a toshiba FlashAir SD Card.
It arrived today and works just perfekt.
Even sending new Profiles to my rc transmitter works.
Now i´m looking forward to get my MK3. 😀

I am very interested in Toshiba FlashAir SD card too, but not sure if it works or not.

Please do let us know your experience when you get your MK3.

Respondido : 13/01/2018 5:46 am
Reputable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

[I am very interested in Toshiba FlashAir SD card too, but not sure if it works or not.
Please do let us know your experience when you get your MK3.

i just ordered one. will have it by the 18th. checking the settings menu for sd card on my mk3 there are options of normal and flshair so i'm guessing it has been done before

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:30 am
Reputable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I will.

I am too lazy and too busy to set up one for myself.

But at what price is fair? I have no idea.... any suggestion?

looks like you can buy the preconfigured here https://octoprint.org/support-octoprint/

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:32 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

[I am very interested in Toshiba FlashAir SD card too, but not sure if it works or not.
Please do let us know your experience when you get your MK3.

i just ordered one. will have it by the 18th. checking the settings menu for sd card on my mk3 there are options of normal and flshair so i'm guessing it has been done before

In fact I has one non-Toshiba card, it doesn't work. So I am a bit hesitate to buy a new one.
I hope you have luck with a Toshiba one. Do tell us your result. 😉

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:37 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I will.

I am too lazy and too busy to set up one for myself.

But at what price is fair? I have no idea.... any suggestion?

looks like you can buy the preconfigured here https://octoprint.org/support-octoprint/

Thank you for the information.
If anyone has success with this, please post up.

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:39 am
Reputable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I will.

I am too lazy and too busy to set up one for myself.

But at what price is fair? I have no idea.... any suggestion?

looks like you can buy the preconfigured here https://octoprint.org/support-octoprint/

Thank you for the information.
If anyone has success with this, please post up.

the point of octoprint is that it is cheap, i'm betting there probably isn't 10 people who have spent the cost of the preconfigured

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:40 am
Reputable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

[I am very interested in Toshiba FlashAir SD card too, but not sure if it works or not.
Please do let us know your experience when you get your MK3.

i just ordered one. will have it by the 18th. checking the settings menu for sd card on my mk3 there are options of normal and flshair so i'm guessing it has been done before

In fact I has one non-Toshiba card, it doesn't work. So I am a bit hesitate to buy a new one.
I hope you have luck with a Toshiba one. Do tell us your result. 😉

i have a eyefi x2 card and it also does not allow uploads and no one has cracked doing so that i am aware of.

here is the setup for a different machine.

Respondido : 13/01/2018 6:42 am
Trusted Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

The current Octoprint setup is working pretty solid for me. I get about as many failed prints with Octoprint as I do from the SD card, which isn't many. Layer shifts are the primary issue from both mediums.

I am using Prusa's "Prusa Print" build of OctoPi, which appears to be just a preconfigured version of OctoPi: https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk3-f30/rpi-zero-octopi-working--t12432-s40.html#p57098

I am also running the most current build 143e firmware.

Respondido : 13/01/2018 1:27 pm
Estimable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

Try a Toshiba 16Gb wifi W-03 SD card. I ordered one to try.


MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Respondido : 17/01/2018 1:16 am
Estimable Member
Re: If Prusa sells remote control module, will you buy?

I ordered a Toshiba flashair card as well. Spent the extra money on the W-04, as it's supposed to have an updated wifi chip in it for 'increased performance'. Will report back.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Respondido : 17/01/2018 1:36 am
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